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    ​The sex ended like that, but even after he washed up, he had to suffer for a while in the name of applying ointment afterward. Next, when Ki Tae-jeong demanded that Sehwa open his hole wide and show him all the semen that was inside, Sehwa burst into tears again.​

    ​When the corners of the eyes became red and large tears fell, Ki Tae-jeong licked his lips with regret and applied ointment to the inside of the h*le. This person… Why was he so vile?

    What terrified Sehwa the most was the thought that he would one day act as Ki Tae-jeong wanted. His first idea was to avoid sex at all costs. Sehwa consoled himself that it would all be a one-time thing. But, in the end, he found himself agreeing to his wishes, even begging him to thrust gently.​

    He was afraid that the day would come when Ki Tae-jeong’s lewd and promiscuous words would become nothing. He was scared of what would happen if he started moving his waist, opening the hole, and reciting what Ki Tae-jeong said like a parrot.​

    ​‘Even when I’m not here, you’re doing so well. I’ll f*ck you as soon as I see your face.’

    ​Not knowing what Sehwa was thinking inside, or even not caring what he was thinking, the man patted his butt, saying that he was done. Sehwa’s delicate body was stained as red as a flower pot from being beaten so hard by Ki Tae-jeong’s body and hands.​

    ‘Sex… You said it’s just once…’​

    ‘Yes, I did. But you were the one who opened your hole for me first because you liked it.’

    ‘When did I…!’​

    ‘Oh, if you don’t like it, do you want to go on top? Just finish it off with a fountain. That’s enough, right?’

    Tired of the continued finger-pointing, Sehwa clamped his mouth shut like a clam. He had no idea what the hell Ki Tae-jeong was talking about with that damn fountain cum.​

    ‘Why? Is it because you don’t think you can do it? In my opinion, you’re fully capable.’​

    ​Although he had no interest or will to do such an act, Ki Tae-jeong shouted “fighting” and encouraged him. Sehwa turned his head as if to stop talking. It was the only timid rebellion he could muster.​

    ‘Right. While I’m away, wear this patch and take your medicine diligently.’

    ‘… Medicine?’​

    ‘Yes. Lift your ass.’​

    ​Ki Tae-jeong wrapped the patch he had attached on the first day around Sehwa’s body. However, this time it wasn’t on the neck, but on both thighs. To be exact, it was right where the buttocks and thighs connect. The area where the guys collectively gestured toward and say, ‘Look at that ass,’ whenever strippers walked by in hot pants that were practically underwear.


    Ki Tae-jeong raised Sehwa’s lower body until his knees almost touched his chest, exposing his naked lower body. Sehwa attempted to cover his limp and flapping penis, but he did not succeed when Ki Tae-jeong hit him hard on the back of his hand.​

    ‘Are you trying to get me to fuck you? Then continue. I’m going to put it in and fuck you.’

    Ki Tae-jeong laughed as Sehwa quickly placed his lost hand on his chest.

    ‘I’m not doing anything. I have to go soon.’

    ​He pinched and focused on wrapping the patch. Of course, Sehwa couldn’t believe it. Now Sehwa has decided not to believe anything Ki Tae-jeong says, especially on topics related to sex.​

    ‘How is it? Uncomfortable?’​

    ‘A little…’​

    Actually, it was very uncomfortable. Perhaps on purpose, the patch was tightened somewhat tightly, making it look like the flesh was sticking out.​

    ‘Stand up.’

    His lower body was exposed when he merely raised his knees, revealing that there was some flesh squeezed in. Although he had some flesh compared to other areas, her body seemed naturally thin, as if every bit of flesh had been forcefully compressed. This was both true and apparent.

    He didn’t know what picture Ki Tae-jeong had in mind, but it seemed weird to Sehwa. There was nothing to be attracted to, yet Ki Tae-jeong seemed quite pleased, even whistling.

    ​‘Director, if you could do it a little further down…’​

    ​‘There’s no problem with walking, right?’

    ‘But still…’

    ​‘It’s not like you have to take your clothes off in front of other bastards, and from my perspective, it looks good as it is.’

    Ki Tae-jeong smiled contentedly as he finished applying the patch. Sehwa was a little discouraged. So he lay down and wrapped himself like a bean bug. It would be much better to wear it like a leash. This appearance, in which he appeared to be wearing a garter belt with the vertical line connecting his torso severed, was even more embarrassing because it appeared as if Ki Tae-jeong’s clear intentions were obvious.​


    However, he wasn’t refusing to respond when he called him. Still, he felt a bit hurt and wanted to show his slight displeasure. He didn’t want to move according to his will like a doll; he wanted to express his reluctance, albeit subtly. He just planned to respond a little slower than usual. Nonetheless…


    Ki Tae-jeong didn’t even allow that. Sehwa’s ankles were grabbed and his body was pulled down. His ankles were tightly gripped, and his body was pulled downward. He crossed his legs into an X with his large hands, completely folding his lower body and pressing down hard on the strained waist and wrapped ankles.​

    ​‘When I looked it up, I heard that it’s better to stay like this after sex.’​

    ​‘Director, ah, it hurts…’​

    ​‘They say that way you can have children quickly.’​

    ‘Director, I did something wrong…, It hurts too much… my waist…’​

    He explained that he didn’t delay his response on purpose, but Ki Tae-jeong didn’t even pretend to listen and pulled a medicine bottle from his pocket. Fortunately, it wasn’t some kind of aphrodisiac, but rather a treatment that Ki Tae-jeong had given several times before.​

    ‘It’s the same as what you ate last time. Something good for your body. It’s effective for internal injuries and works well for detoxification.’​

    Ki Tae-jeong motioned with his hand for him to eat quickly. Sehwa opened his mouth and tried to swallow it somehow without water, which felt like it was stuck in his throat.​​​

    ‘I don’t know exactly what your physical condition is, but you’ve been eating a lot of unhealthy food.’

    While still holding his ankle painfully, Ki Tae-jeong said something incomprehensible.​

    ​‘From now on, just pour drugs into syringes, and you shouldn’t even think about putting drugs in your mouth. Got it?’​

    ‘But… Then, what should I…’

    ‘Don’t talk back.’

    ‘Ouch, I… well, it’s not… It hurts, it hurts, Director!’

    ​Without the patch, Sehwa could have tasted the drugs, distinguished them accurately, and even manufactured them without becoming addicted. He wondered what was the use of him if he was unable to do that. However, Ki Tae-jeong gave a firm command. He told Sehwa to securely keep the patch until he returned and to eat whatever he sent.​​​

    Ki Tae-jeong… was truly a strange person. Causing so much pain… Acting so terrifyingly. But he kept giving Sehwa things that no one else had ever given him.

    “… When will he come?”

    ​Sehwa muttered without realizing it and covered his mouth in shock. He was looking around and fiddling with the syringe even though no one was paying attention. The patch he’d wrapped around his naked body remained under the gown, and the red handprints on his ankles had faded to bluish bruises.​​​​

    He had spent all his time practicing putting the drug into the syringe, and now he could do it much faster than before. However, there was no one to examine him, so he wasn’t sure if he was doing well.

    ​“If you do this, you will be in trouble.”​

    ​“Are these bastards crazy…? I’m the boss, so who can stop me?”

    “No, it’s just that he’s making drugs inside…”

    “Are you crazy? Would I touch the customer’s stuff? I came because I have something important to discuss!”

    Sehwa, who was absent-mindedly pushing and pulling the rest part, suddenly jolted his body upright.

    “Oh, there he is. Hey, Samwol!”

    The boss waved his hand and smiled. The upper tooth he had just gold-plated to fulfill his wish was shining brightly. He used to sing that he would make real gold teeth someday…

    “Let me catch you once and I’ll kill those bastards, and tell the director…!”

    The boss, who pushed aside the men who were guarding and pushed his way in, looked at Sehwa and whistled for a long time.

    “Wow… By the way, are you Samwol? You should have dressed up like this earlier.”

    His snake-like gaze peered into the slightly open gown.​

    ​“Well. Director Ki paid off all your debt. So, you should show some loyalty at least like this.”

    ​In his dirty imagination, Sehwa could see the boss’s finger-sized dick swelling up to a point as if he was already thrusting inside. Sehwa averted his gaze in disgust. Yes, it was better to be tormented by Ki Tae-jeong than to see that kind of thing. It wasn’t strange for him to think that way.​

    “Although I’m busy with the change of ownership, I have something to check with you regarding the contract issue.”

    The boss sat down on the sofa with a thick ledger fluttering. On the table in front of it, drugs and syringes were scattered untidily. The boss glanced briefly at the items with a noncommittal gaze.​

    “A contract? What contract?”

    ​“This is the employment contract I signed with you.”

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