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    Loves Error

    “… Are you crying?”​

    Ki Tae-jeong was a bit perplexed. Lee Sehwa had shed tears in front of him a few times, mainly during various situations, including sex. However, it was usually easy to handle. He found it fascinating and amusing, deliberately provoking him during intimate moments. Even if Sehwa cried buckets, his attempt to hold back the tears, biting his lower lip and pretending to be fine, looked beautiful. When his red lips pressed against his white upper teeth, creating a light pink hue before bouncing back, those moments were particularly captivating.

    ​It was probably a habit. Sehwa likely had no one to lean on and complaining wouldn’t do him any good. Based on his hazy memories of childhood, Ki Tae-jeong also experienced such emotions, so he understood this aspect well enough.

    So Lee Sehwa had to smile. After puffing up his swollen eyes and cheeks, stopping the tears, he had to smile now and open the cake box, just like he did in the CCTV footage Ki Tae-jeong secretly watched.

    “Why are you crying?”

    “Oh, I’m not crying; it’s just… this is just…”

    ​Lee Sehwa covered his face with the sleeve of his gown. Ki Tae-jeong thought he would crush the entire box, so he took it away for a moment and Sehwa cried even more bitterly.​

    “Hey. I won’t take it from you.”

    “… Yes.”​

    “I was afraid you might break it, so I put it away for a moment.”

    “Yes, I understand… sniff…”

    Tears, snot… it was a real mess. Sehwa sighed and lowered his arms as if he’d calmed down, but then he looked at the cake box sitting on top of the drug powder and sniffled again.

    “If someone sees this, they might think your husband died.”

    When Ki Tae-jeong firmly gripped his waist and sat him on one thigh, Sehwa flinched in surprise.


    ​”Yeah, I thought you were skinny, but you’re surprisingly heavy.”

    “W-Well, it’s because… I’m like this…”

    ​I’m a guy too, and I’m not that short… Lee Sehwa stammered and twisted his body. Unaware of the sloppy knot on his gown coming undone, he continued. Then, realizing that Ki Tae-jeong’s gaze was very close to him, he nervously lowered his head. It seemed like he belatedly realized what his appearance was like.​

    “Oh my, are you done now? Do you feel better when I hug you?”

    “…Please don’t…”

    Lee Sehwa blushed ​When Ki Tae-jeong teased him. Come to think of it, this was the first time he had seen him up close like this. Although there were occasions when he was in a superior position, back then, he was usually too busy nibbling on his neck, shoulders, or chest to have the chance to look at his face. Tears were still hanging from the ends of his long eyelashes that spread out like fantails. I wanted to lick it. He realized that he never thought about licking his cheeks when he cried before. With sweat having a certain taste, he wondered what tears might taste like.

    “… Oh, Director? Suddenly…”​

    ​As Ki Tae-jeong opened the gaping gown and grabbed the white, soft flesh, Lee Sehwa urgently crouched down. Whether he should be surprised by the unexpected sexual contact or shocked by his messy face being exposed he seemed unable to figure out the situation.


    ​Lee Sehwa’s breathing suddenly became rough as Ki Tae-jeong grabbed his flat, dry breast, put the nipple between his fingers, and twisted it.​

    “That, the ledger. Isn’t it mine now?”


    ​Lee Sehwa gasped, unable to fix his spread legs as he sat on Ki Tae-jeong’s thighs.​

    “I paid off all your debt. So, strictly speaking, the bonds were also transferred to me.”

    ​The word ‘strictly speaking’ was not an appropriate expression in this context. Initially, it was part of a gamble, a deal where the exchange was the culmination of a suggestive banter between them. Just because Ki Tae-jeong had paid off Sehwa’s remaining debt didn’t mean he could become a new creditor. Nevertheless, Ki Tae-jeong shamelessly insisted that now the ledger, containing records from Sehwa’s birth to the present, belonged to him.

    ​“From what I heard earlier, it seemed like the boss asked you to give him 30 million won. Is that right?”​

    “37.8 million…”​

    ​Lee Sehwa muttered helplessly and kept his mouth shut. His intentions had been drowned out by reflexive moans and scattered sighs, leaving only his lips trembling.​

    “Why do you look at me like that?”


    “I can’t pay it back for you. Public servants are inherently poor.”

    “What…! I didn’t think like that!”

    Sehwa gripped Ki Tae-jeong’s shoulders firmly. Though it appeared that he willingly leaned his arms to aid Ki Tae-jeong’s playful mischief, in reality, he had no strength to resist.​

    “I just… It’s unfair… So I’m just saying I’m not going to pay it back… I have no intention of leaning on the Director…”​

    ​That must be sincere. However, knowing that Son Byeong-gyu wasn’t someone who would easily back down in front of money… And, given Sehwa’s personality, it was obvious he wouldn’t outright ask Ki Tae-jeong to repay the debt again. it was obvious that he would not directly ask Ki Tae-jeong to repay the debt. Nonetheless, he might have considered requesting another loan. He would have rashly made such a request, using Kim Seok-cheol as an excuse and believing he could prove his usefulness even more now.​

    Ki Tae-jeong twisted and pinched the ripe apricot-colored nipples as if testing them, then rubbed them as if crushing them. Lee Sehwa’s head bowed as he couldn’t bear it any longer. A sweet scent rose from the top of his sweat-drenched head. A warm aroma of milk mixed with sugar.

    “Alright, you don’t have to repay that money.”


    ​“According to the law here, as long as the bond is in my hands, others shouldn’t be able to interfere anymore. That ledger, I bought it from Son Byeong-gyu for 200 million won.”


    ​“I paid off all your debts instead, and there was something agreed upon as compensation.”


    “So, don’t waste your time thinking about useless things. Just focus on how you can repay me.”

    Ki Tae-jeong’s hand, gripping the white buttocks, made erratic movements. Like kneading rice cake dough and spreading it widely before burying his nose in Lee Sehwa’s nape and taking a deep breath. Observing his actions alone, he looked like someone who had longed for Sehwa’s body all along.

    ​“I’ll just keep the ledger until then and then burn it.”​

    Ki Tae-jeong’s calloused fingers explored the moist hole subtly. Despite appearing long and smooth on the surface, the joints were slightly swollen, and it wasn’t at all thin. It was the rough hand of someone who had received extensive training. Sehwa struggled to fill his insufficient breath as various unbearable feelings rushed in, and his chest trembled.

    ​“You’re crying again.”​

    “I’m not crying, I’m…”​

    “Hey, the medicine doesn’t work for your swollen eyes from crying.”

    “Well, I, um, didn’t mean to… sorry…”

    “The tears haven’t stopped yet?”

    “Snif, uh…!”​

    ​Despite Ki Tae-jeong poking and teasing his hole, Lee Sehwa just put his forehead on Ki Tae-jeong’s shoulder and cried. It didn’t seem like a frightening or heartbreaking cry. Ki Tae-jeong was already familiar with the expressions and sounds Sehwa made when crying like this. So, if it wasn’t fear of Ki Tae-jeong or the sadness of crying in his current situation, what did the tears mean now?

    ​“Didn’t I tell you to keep the h*le filled while I was away? So I can f*ck you as soon as I come.”

    ​“Ah, Director… !”​

    ​“When can you take my whole c*ck with such a small h*le?”

    “Ha, uh…!”​

    Ki Tae-jeong licked Lee Sehwa’s hot ears while spreading his ass wide. It was uncomfortable because his legs were only slightly apart.

    ​“Uh, Director, this…”

    As Ki Tae-jeong repositioned him so that he could straddle both thighs instead of just one, Sehwa continued to squirm as if embarrassed and anxious.

    “Look, I’m spreading your legs this much, but the hole keeps closing. Why is your h*le shaped like this even though you’re not a virgin? Huh?”

    ​“Director, why on earth, ah, huh… Why do you always, especially at times like this…”

    ​Lee Sehwa stuttered with a red face. Since Ki Tae-jeong saw Sehwa, this was the most unattractive appearance. Even when wearing ridiculous clothes and applying a tingling spray, he didn’t look so ugly.

    “Why? Were you touched?”

    “What? When did I…!”

    ​As Ki Tae-jeong lightly clicked his tongue and asked teasingly, Lee Sehwa’s face turned bright red like a ripe apple. It was so red that it seemed like it would burst.

    “You’re not crying anymore.”

    The tip of his nose was moist. Taking the opportunity, he also sucked the swollen cheeks. Even though he only touched it with his lips, it seemed painful. Sehwa made a groaning sound, like a puppy that couldn’t get any food for three days.

    “Then do you want to eat cake?”

    “… Yes.”​

    Lee Sehwa nodded obediently. He was so preoccupied with the cake in front of him and Ki Tae-jeong’s dubious comfort that he didn’t notice the state of his rear h*le, which was soaked with love juice despite not taking an aphrodisiac or sucked.​

    “Okay. Since I bought it thinking about you, should I show you how to eat it from top to bottom?”

    Sehwa didn’t fully understand Ki Tae-jeong’s whisper until a little later.

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