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    Loves Error

    On an early spring day, the weather was capricious, with the warm sun shining during the day but raining lightly in the evening.

    A group of young people who looked like college students entered the bar, placing their umbrellas in the umbrella stand by the door. Two men and four women chatted and laughed as they headed to the bar to order drinks.

    The waitress noticed a woman in a tight-fitting dress leading the group, her curves accentuated. Her eyelids twitched and she quickly went upstairs to find the boss.

    When Shen Li came downstairs, everyone was already drinking. The woman serving drinks wore delicate makeup, with fine wrinkles at the corners of her eyes when she smiled. Her black hair had streaks of gray, indicating her age, but she dressed fashionably and had a good figure. Among a group of college students, everyone thought she was only in her thirties, bringing her younger siblings to the bar for fun.

    Only Shen Li, when he saw her, rubbed his temples with a headache. As he approached, he took off his coat and half embraced her from behind, saying, “Ms. Cheng Zhaozhao, it’s 16 degrees Celsius today. Aren’t you dressed too lightly?”

    Cheng Zhao adjusted her temples and turned to him with an elegant smile. “Shen Xiaoli, there’s a saying about propriety between men and women. Your behavior is quite impolite.”

    The two of them were in a very intimate posture, although there seemed to be an age gap. Flirting in a bar was nothing out of the ordinary, and many watched with interest, knowing Shen Li was the bar owner and merely enjoying the spectacle.

    Lu Changting, who had just entered the bar, witnessed this scene and felt a subtle emotion.

    It’s the second time.

    Last time, Shen Li stole a strawberry from another man’s hand. This time, he was embracing a beautiful woman.

    Why did he always happen to catch Shen Li flirting with someone?

    As he approached, Lu Changting realized that the beautiful woman didn’t seem young at all. The group of college students around them called Shen Li “Brother Shen” with smiles, indicating familiarity.

    Shen Li noticed Lu Changting, paused for a moment, then discreetly released his hand from Cheng Zhao’s shoulder.

    Lu Changting remained expressionless, nodding slightly to Shen Li as a form of greeting. He came to drink alone today, ordered a sea breeze, and quietly sat at the vacant spot by the bar, waiting for his drink.

    Shen Li rubbed the red string on his wrist, feeling tempted to approach but restrained himself due to Cheng Zhao’s presence.

    Cheng Zhao didn’t notice anything wrong with him. When her glass was empty and she wanted another, Shen Li stopped her and replaced it with a glass of yogurt.

    Cheng Zhao gave him a reproachful glance, but didn’t say anything. She obediently lowered her head to drink the yogurt, appearing just like lovers teasing each other.

    As the wine with cranberry and grapefruit flavors mixed in his mouth, Lu Changting unintentionally listened to the conversation of the young students beside him.

    “Do you guys have time at the end of this month? My birthday is coming up, and I want to invite you to my place for a party. H City isn’t far, just a two-hour train ride.”

    “I’m not sure, but I should be free. I have to finish a drawing next week, but I think I can get it done in a few days.”

    “I’m all good, not like I have anything else going on.”

    “What about Cheng Jie?”

    “I’m pretty free.” The woman referred to as Cheng Jie smiled and turned to Shen Li. “Shen Xiaoli, do you want to come with us?”

    Actually, someone else had a birthday at the end of March. Shen Li glanced instinctively at Lu Changting and chuckled casually, “I won’t join you guys. Have fun.”

    Their gazes met, and Shen Li blinked, his eyes filled with the unwavering stare of Lu Changting.

    It seemed he could see his own reflection in those clear eyes.

    The woman’s sixth sense kicked in a bit late, but she pinpointed the situation with uncanny accuracy.

    Cheng Zhao glanced at Shen Li, then at Lu Changting. Her fingers, adorned with gentle milk tea-colored nail polish, were slender and beautiful, well-maintained as she lightly tapped the bar counter twice. “Your friend?”

    Shen Li had many friends, but it was clear Cheng Zhao wasn’t referring to just any friend.

    Shen Li picked up the tea beside him and took a sip. He didn’t usually drink alcohol, but the bar had Biluochun tea prepared, brewed in glass cups, with the tea leaves filtered out. The pale green tea looked like a custom-made cocktail.

    “We’ve met once.”

    He lied.

    The first time he met Lu Changting, he was a freshman, fifteen years old.

    He still remembered the first evening study session after starting school. Everyone was chattering about the strange legends of the school. Some said the building near the basketball court was haunted. After hearing the ghost stories, someone suggested exploring the building after evening study.

    At the age of fifteen or sixteen, curiosity and energy were both high, and he was no exception.

    So he joined the exploration team for the building.

    After the evening study session, a crowd of people headed towards the small building. They found out that it wasn’t just their class; several classes were all attracted by curiosity and wanted to explore the building.

    That night, there was no moon, only a few sparse stars hung in the sky. The darkness of the night, combined with the silence of the small building hidden behind the trees, made people feel uneasy.

    Passersby were attracted by the large crowd and gathered around, unwilling to leave.

    With so many people, Shen Li didn’t know when he got squeezed into another class. When he turned his head, all he saw were unfamiliar faces.

    When someone started going upstairs, he followed. The wooden stairs creaked under the weight of many footsteps. He walked at the back of the line. Just as they reached the top of the stairs, they heard a piercing scream from the person in front, a sharp and penetrating sound. Those who couldn’t see what was happening in front panicked instantly. Could the small building really be haunted?

    In the next moment, a light flashed, accompanied by an angry voice: “What are you doing!”

    The students at the front turned and ran, and everyone followed suit. He hesitated for a moment, and someone ran past him. Seeing him standing there dumbfounded, they grabbed him and ran downstairs, explaining as they ran, “There’s a teacher patrolling the building. If caught, they’ll deduct points from the class.”

    The crowd dispersed from around the small building within seconds, like birds scattering. He was dragged all the way across the basketball court until they reached the streetlight on the main road, where the person finally let go of his hand and took a deep breath.

    Under the warm glow of the streetlight, Shen Li saw clearly that handsome face.

    It was September, and S City was still in the midst of summer.

    After running all the way, his palms were sweaty, and Shen Li’s heart was racing. The ghostly incident had long been forgotten by him, replaced entirely by the image of the person smiling, waving, and walking away.

    Over the years, whenever Shen Li recalled that night, he always felt like he must have remembered it wrong. There should have been a moon that night.

    Many years had passed, yet when he thought about it, Shen Li felt as if the incident had happened just yesterday. He took another sip of his tea and let out a barely audible sigh.

    The young people had dispersed to play on their own, leaving only Shen Li and Cheng Zhao at the bar, along with Lu Changting sitting in the corner.

    The bar wasn’t crowded today, and Lu Changting sat undisturbed in his corner, slowly finishing his drink. As he got up from his seat, he walked over to the bar and asked the bartender to refill his glass.

    As he approached, he caught a whiff of that faint woody scent, emanating from Shen Li, mixed with a strong and intoxicating aroma of vanilla coffee, probably from the woman.

    “Mr. Lu,” Shen Li greeted him first.

    Lu Changting nodded slightly. “Boss Shen.” His gaze swept over Cheng Zhao, paused, and couldn’t resist his curiosity. “Is this, your girlfriend?”

    Cheng Zhao smiled delicately, her laughter trembling like flower petals. “Shen Xiaoli, someone’s asking if I’m your girlfriend.”

    “Momā€”” Shen Li’s tone was resigned. He looked at Lu Changting with even more resignation in his eyes. “This is my mother.”

    Lu Changting was taken aback, so much so that his attempt at managing his expression failed, revealing a surprised look. “Sorry… Auntie looks, much younger than expected.”

    “Quite fashionable indeed.”

    Cheng Zhao clinked her yogurt glass with his, a playful smile playing on her lips. “What sweet words! Do you have a girlfriend, handsome?”

    Lu Changting looked at Cheng Zhao, as if facing a group of elders at home, and instantly straightened up in his seat. Indeed, every elder seemed to hold a bunch of red strings, always thinking about how to tie up the younger generation.

    “I currently have no plans for dating,” he replied.

    Cheng Zhao, who originally intended to test the other’s orientation, raised an eyebrow and cast a helpless look at Shen Li.

    Shen Li subtly shook his head.

    He still smiled, but it was a faint smile, tinged with a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

    He came out to Cheng Zhao very early on, when he found himself unconsciously seeking Lu Changting’s presence, when his heart raced and he couldn’t help but glance around nervously every time he saw Lu Changting, and when he realized this was what it meant to like someone.

    When he was in junior high school, Cheng Zhao divorced Shen Zhengqing. She had evidence of Shen Zhengqing’s infidelity and fought for custody of him. The family went through a tough period, and after divorcing, Cheng Zhao, who had been a housewife, started working again while taking care of the children. It was undoubtedly a challenging time.

    During those years, Shen Li matured rapidly, sensing the hardship Cheng Zhao endured. She stayed up late working on drawings while still taking care of his daily needs. Unable to bear seeing her struggle, he chose to live at school to alleviate some of her burdens.

    Later, Cheng Zhao saved up money and opened a studio, gaining recognition and improving the family’s financial situation. Shen Li also got into university, no longer worrying about his studies or the family’s expenses. Cheng Zhao’s life became much less arduous.

    So his relationship with Cheng Zhao was very good, open and honest, saying whatever needed to be said.

    The process of coming out was neither entirely easy nor entirely difficult. Cheng Zhao was a very open-minded parent, respecting and accepting his orientation. However, in places he didn’t know, Cheng Zhao was also upset for a long time. She doubted whether she had given Shen Li the right guidance and worried that this path was too difficult. She feared Shen Li would face formidable challenges from others in the future.

    But deep down, she still hoped Shen Li would find someone he loved and could spend his life with.

    Now, seeing Shen Li seemingly interested in this man, she was naturally happy to give him a push.

    Authorā€™s Note:

    Shen Li uses Bvlgari Darjeeling Tea, rumored to be the scent of a boyfriend (I personally really like this fragrance, it’s like being nestled in a warm blanket, cozy and secure).

    Ms. Cheng Zhaozhao uses Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium, which I haven’t smelled, rumored to be a scent that drives men to desire and lust, addictive and intoxicating, a very sexy aroma, suitable for the independent and charismatic Cheng Zhaozhao.

    [This really isn’t a perfume recommendation.]

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