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    Loves Balance

    Human nature is inherently greedy—greedy for life, love, desires, and anything that can be coveted. Once someone gets a taste of sweetness, it’s like setting a dry field of wild grass on fire; the flames quickly spread. Lu Changting not only had no intention of restraining himself, but he also became even more indulgent, as if he might abandon all responsibilities.

    Shen Li, who initially stayed for just a couple of days, ended up living there long-term, and the two naturally began living together.

    June passed, and early July brought a rainstorm, but the weather only grew hotter with each passing day. In the peak of summer, only chilled watermelon and ice cream could slightly alleviate the heat.

    The daily routine of their relationship involved Lu Changting going to work at the company during the day, while Shen Li either caught up on sleep at home or balanced the books for the bar. He would deliver lunch to Lu Changting and prepare dinner at home. After dinner, Shen Li would head to the bar to oversee things. If Lu Changting didn’t have to work late, he would accompany Shen Li to the bar, and they would return home together around 10 PM. If he had to work late, he would finish just in time to pick up Shen Li from the bar.

    Though Lu Changting remained diligent and responsible in his work, as he always had been, Shen Li’s frequent visits to the company inevitably sparked some gossip. Since “Gu Jiu” often hosted people from the upper echelons of society, their relationship wasn’t exactly a secret. It wasn’t long before the news reached Lu Changting’s parents, courtesy of Lu Shiyang, who loved to stir up trouble.

    Lu Shiyang, always eager to cause problems for his brother, casually informed their parents about the situation. Although Lu Shiyuan had heard some rumors, he had chosen not to address them immediately. But after Lu Shiyang brought it up, he knew he couldn’t ignore it any longer, even if it meant just going through the motions. So, he called Lu Changting home.

    When the call came, Lu Changting had just gotten off work and was leaving the elevator, heading to the underground parking lot. It was the day of the Minor Heat solar term, and the weather was stifling. The parking lot was even more suffocating, and the car seats were so hot that they made him break out in a sweat. Despite turning on the air conditioning as soon as he got into the car, he still felt a wave of heat.

    Lu Changting answered the call, put on his Bluetooth headset, and started the car. When his father, Lu Shiyuan, asked him to come home, he wasn’t surprised. In fact, he felt a bit relieved. Although his father’s tone wasn’t exactly pleasant, the fact that his parents wanted to talk was a positive sign.

    It was Lu Shiyang who had pierced the veil of peace, forcing Lu Shiyuan to confront his son’s attraction to men—a topic he would have preferred to ignore. With the intense summer heat heightening tempers, his tone was naturally harsh. When he saw Liu Xiezhi frown slightly, he stiffly added, “Your mom had the housekeeper make a big meal, and she even cooked your favorite sweet soup.”

    “Got it,” Lu Changting replied.

    After hanging up, he pulled up Shen Li’s pinned contact number and dialed.

    Shen Li was cutting meat, his hands greasy. He squeezed some dish soap, washed his hands, and answered the phone. “Changting?”

    “I won’t be home for dinner tonight,” Lu Changting said, feeling a bit strange about this sudden change in plans. “My dad asked me to come home.”

    He sighed. “Sorry.”

    “What’s there to apologize for?” Shen Li didn’t mind, as it was just a family dinner. He did, however, ask with concern, “Is something going on?”

    There was something, but Lu Changting didn’t want to worry Shen Li. “My mom thinks I’ve been working too hard lately, so she made a big meal to help me recharge.”

    “Will you be coming back tonight?”

    Whether he could return tonight was uncertain. Lu Changting sighed inwardly but maintained a playful tone. “Can’t bear to be away from me for even one night?”

    Shen Li pursed his lips. “I’m hanging up now. Drive safe.”

    Lu Changting chuckled. “Be good, come home early, and get some rest.”

    He added, “If I don’t have to stay overnight, I’ll try to come back early.”

    The Lu family home was an old residence at the end of Pingchao Road, near the river, with white walls and black tiles. The courtyard in front of the house was filled with willow trees and roses, creating a serene environment. This stretch of riverfront was lined with similar traditional-style homes, each spaced far apart. Not all the residents were wealthy, but the area was old, the houses historic, and the scenery picturesque. Nowadays, it would be nearly impossible to buy a property like this, no matter how much money one had.

    At the entrance, Lu Changting bought some fresh seasonal fruit. After parking the car, he sent Shen Li a message saying he had arrived home before carrying the fruit inside.

    “Mom, I’m back.”

    “You still remember where home is.” Lu Shiyuan, sitting on the sofa, rustled his newspaper and snorted. “If you’re not gone for ten days to half a month, you just pop by to grab something and leave…”

    Liu Xiezhi gently patted her husband’s hand. “Changting has been busy with work. It’s rare for him to come home, so ease up.”

    “Busy with work? More like busy fooling around at that bar.”

    “You call going to a bar fooling around?” Liu Xiezhi replied calmly. “What about when you used to spend every day listening to opera at the theater? Was that any more proper?”

    Lu Shiyuan folded his newspaper. “Watching the opera is a respectable pastime.”

    “Your son takes after you.” Over the past few days, they had quietly gathered information about Shen Li. They knew he owned “Gu Jiu,” so Lu Changting’s visits to the bar weren’t just for fun. In fact, Shen Li’s reputation was quite good. People at the company even mentioned that Shen Li delivered lunch to Lu Changting every day.

    Shen Li, who ran “Gu Jiu,” was no mere decorative vase or pampered plaything. The two were seriously dating. Liu Xiezhi had already come to terms with this new addition to the family, even if Lu Shiyuan still disapproved, hoping that one day the relationship would end and he could steer his son back to what he saw as the “right path.”

    He wanted to say more, but Liu Xiezhi gave him a stern look. “Let’s eat first. We can talk after dinner.”

    Used to his parents’ playful banter, Lu Changting wasn’t fazed. He placed the fruit on the coffee table, went to the kitchen to wash his hands, and then sat down at the dining table.

    After dinner, Lu Changting was called into the study by Lu Shiyuan, without even a chance to drink the sweet soup his mother had prepared.

    As soon as the door closed, a knock sounded again.

    Liu Xiezhi entered with two bowls of chilled sweet soup, smiling softly at Lu Shiyuan. She knew this wasn’t the time to defend her son—she needed to keep her husband in good spirits first. She placed the bowls on the desk and gently called out, “Dear.”

    Lu Shiyuan, a bit helpless, softened his tone in front of his wife. “Alright, alright, I promise not to get angry, and I won’t lay a hand on him. Now, please, go out.”

    As the study door closed again, Lu Shiyuan took a sip of his sweet soup before speaking. “How long have you been with Shen Li?”

    “May 19th,” Lu Changting replied. “It’s been forty-nine days.”

    “You remember it clearly.” Lu Shiyuan stared at him, his eyes deep. “Do you know about his family situation?”

    “His parents are divorced. His mother hasn’t remarried in all these years and has her own studio. She’s currently pursuing a master’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts.” Lu Changting paused before continuing, “His father has a new family and they don’t usually keep in touch.”

    “‘Don’t usually keep in touch.’” Lu Shiyuan sneered. “That means when there’s no trouble, they don’t, but when there is, they come knocking.”

    “I don’t deny that your boyfriend is an outstanding person,” Lu Shiyuan said, “but he’s from a single-parent family and has a father like that. His upbringing is vastly different from yours. You two are not suited for each other.”

    Lu Changting couldn’t help but frown. “Did you investigate him?”

    “What’s wrong with me looking into your boyfriend?” Lu Shiyuan’s suppressed anger flared up. “I did it for your sake! You’ve never been in a relationship before, and you’ve always kept yourself clean. You don’t know how chaotic places like bars can be…”

    “Did you find anything?” Lu Changting’s tone turned cold.

    Lu Shiyuan frowned deeply. “Although I didn’t find anything, Shen Li is probably not as clean as he seems.”

    “That’s prejudice.” Anger simmered within Lu Changting, but the more it grew, the calmer he became. Arguing wouldn’t help; he needed to discuss this calmly with Lu Shiyuan.

    “Fine, let’s not talk about this.” Lu Shiyuan suppressed his anger. He didn’t want to argue with Lu Changting either, especially after promising Liu Xiezhi to have a proper talk with him.

    “Your uncle came by the house today. Do you know what he said to me?”

    “He said the whole company is gossiping that you’ve kept a pretty ‘canary.’ In the business world, they’re saying you’ve indulged in pleasure, frequenting bars, and seeking enjoyment all day.” Lu Changting could disregard his own reputation, but as the head of the Lu family, Lu Shiyuan could not. He looked at him sternly. “Your position demands that you cannot act so recklessly.”

    Lu Changting straightened his back, his expression calm. But when he heard this, he smiled—a smile tinged with helplessness.

    “I never wanted this position, Dad.”

    Lu Shiyuan was taken aback, momentarily speechless.

    Indeed, Lu Changting had never wanted to be the head of the Lu family.

    In this generation, the others were too mediocre. He and Lu Shiyang were evenly matched, but they were opposites. Lu Shiyuan had no interest in the family business, focusing more on antiques and paintings in his younger years. It was only after starting his own family that he took over the family’s import-export business. On the other hand, Lu Shiyang, being a late-born child of the Fourth Master, was spoiled from a young age, focused only on power and fame. Without someone to guide and restrain him, he would inevitably cause a major disaster for personal gain.

    Among the younger generation, Lu Changxu was too mild-mannered, sometimes even indecisive—not suited for leadership. Lu Changyin and Lu Changge had no interest in business, and Lu Changan was still too young… Only Lu Changting had exceptional talent and ability. He inherited his father’s indifference to wealth and fame but had a broader vision, willing to take over and manage the family business.

    In the study, the father and son fell silent, with only the hum of the air conditioner breaking the stillness.

    After a long pause, Lu Changting suddenly spoke. “I’ve been in a relationship before, back in my senior year of high school.”

    He added, “So if I didn’t want you to know, I could’ve hidden it for a long time.”

    He had the ability to do so, and he could have done it.

    And as for Lu Shiyang, who always caused him trouble—he was now in charge of the group. If it weren’t for family ties, he would have dealt with Lu Shiyang long ago and wouldn’t have given him the chance to stab him in the back.

    But he hadn’t.

    He had openly acknowledged his orientation and repeatedly tolerated Lu Shiyang. And in the end, what did he get in return?

    A basin of dirty water.

    A statement: “Your position demands that you cannot act so recklessly.”

    Lu Changting suddenly felt that all his busy efforts, exhausting himself for the group, were utterly meaningless.

    If he couldn’t even run his own family or decide his own love life, then what was the point of being the head of the Lu family?

    Lu Shiyuan looked at him, seeing the unwavering determination in his eyes, and smiled with some emotion. “What’s so good about liking men?”

    His son truly was like him.

    Years ago, when he told his father he wanted to marry Liu Xiezhi, hadn’t he been just as determined and unwilling to back down?

    “He’s good in every way, and it’s even better that I can bring him home.” Thinking of Shen Li, Lu Changting’s tone softened. “You’ll see for yourself just how good he is.”

    Lu Shiyuan sighed deeply, making a final concession. “Find some time to bring him home so I can meet him.”

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