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    Loves Balance

    “Isn’t it just about you coming out?”

    The news that Lu Changting’s match with Miss Xiang didn’t work out had spread throughout the Lu family in recent days. At first, he didn’t pay much attention to it. After all, they only met twice and didn’t have a deep emotional connection. It was perfectly normal for things not to work out, and he didn’t care to ask whether Lu Changting rejected her or vice versa.

    What really brought him here was a phone call from Liu Xiezhi.

    Apparently, not only had his cousin turned down Miss Xiang, but he also came out to the family. If Liu Xiezhi hadn’t subtly hinted and asked if Lu Changting had someone he liked, he would have been completely in the dark.

    “So, tell me, was it for Shen Li?”

    Thinking of Shen Li, Lu Changting couldn’t help but smile. “Yes.”

    Lu Changxu exaggeratedly clicked his tongue several times. “Who was it that said before he wasn’t interested in Shen Li?”

    Lu Changting glanced at him. “Did you come here just to tease me?”

    “Yes,” Lu Changxu nodded sincerely. “I’m here to kick you while you’re down.”

    Ignoring his teasing, Lu Changting cut to the point. “What did my mom say to you? And what did you tell her?”

    “Aunt asked if I knew when you started liking men and whether you had someone special.” Lu Changxu paused before continuing, “I told her I wasn’t too sure since you’ve been abroad for years. Who could know?”

    “But I did help calm her down,” Lu Changxu added. “This is sudden for them. Just give your parents some time to process it.”


    “Mm?” Lu Changxu raised his eyebrow. “Then? Aren’t you going to tell me about you and Shen Li?”

    He pressed on, “Weren’t you unsure before? Now you know?”

    Lu Changting held his cup, smiling lightly. “I figured it out while I was away on that business trip.”

    As he spoke, Lu Changxu was already on his phone, opening a group chat and typing. “To celebrate your realization, how about a night at ‘Gu Jiu’?”

    “Not tonight,” Lu Changting replied. “I’m meeting someone for dinner tomorrow, and I need to finish work today.”

    “I’ll invite Xingye then,” Lu Changxu said, still focused on his phone.

    “Mm,” Lu Changting answered quietly. “Don’t say anything reckless.”

    Lu Changxu understood, gesturing a zipped-lip motion.

    Of course, he promised not to say anything, but that was only in front of Shen Li. By the time they gathered at the bar with old friends like Chu Jinghong and Fu Jiashu, Lu Changxu spilled everything about Lu Changting’s coming out.

    Both Chu Jinghong and Fu Jiashu were equally surprised: “Changting came out to his family?”

    Xiao Yao nearly dropped his drink: “Changting is going after Shen Li?”

    Only Chen Xingye remained calm, throwing a jab at Xiao Yao: “Forget about Shen Li. You have no chance.”

    Xiao Yao wasn’t really interested in Shen Li, just shocked: “When did this all happen? Why didn’t I know?”

    Lu Changxu simply raised his glass. “It’s not official yet, so keep your lips sealed.”

    Everyone knowingly clinked their glasses in silence.

    The bar was packed that night, mostly with big clients that couldn’t be ignored. Shen Li had been bouncing between private rooms, greeting people like a host on the move. By the time he opened the door to “Yunwu Lian,” he was a little relieved not to see Lu Changting—though, to his surprise, he felt a bit disappointed too.

    “Boss Shen,” Xiao Yao poured him a drink, “Let me toast to you.”

    Shen Li was momentarily confused by the unexpected toast before smiling. “What for?”

    “For love,” Xiao Yao grinned as he clinked glasses with him.

    Lu Changxu shot Xiao Yao a warning look before he leisurely added, “The first time I met Jingyu was at ‘Gu Jiu,’ so Shen Li is basically our matchmaker. This toast is a must.”

    Shen Li downed the drink in one go, a bit surprised. “You two are together now?”

    The shock that swept through the group at that moment was no less than when Lu Changxu mentioned Lu Changting’s feelings for Shen Li. Several sets of eyes turned towards Xiao Yao.

    Being a casual fling with a celebrity was one thing, but catching feelings? That wasn’t just playing around anymore.

    Xiao Yao, feeling a bit embarrassed, coughed lightly. “Not officially. But I think he’s the one.”

    Chen Xingye, never one to mince words, said, “How long have you known him? What if he’s just after your money?”

    Xiao Yao glared at him. “Can’t you say something nice for once?”

    They had been bickering since childhood, but their bond was the strongest. When Xiao Yao first told Chen Xingye about Jingyu, Xingye’s go-to line had always been, “He’s probably after your money.” Now, he said it again, leaving Xiao Yao a bit deflated.

    Seeing that Xiao Yao was genuinely upset, Chen Xingye softened his tone but still muttered, “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

    Lu Changxu, well-acquainted with their usual back-and-forth, quickly intervened with a laugh. “Xiao Yao being in love is a good thing. Come on, let’s drink to that.”

    Chu Jinghong and Fu Jiashu exchanged glances, clearly wondering how much they had missed.

    Shen Li filled his glass again, clinking it with Xiao Yao’s. “To love.”

    “And this drink,” Fu Jiashu added with a sigh, “Is to being single. Let’s enjoy it while it lasts.”

    Xiao Yao squeezed in next to Lu Changxu with a grin: “You’re the odd one out now, Lu Changxu.”

    Chu Jinghong hesitated slightly with his drink raised. Everyone turned to him expectantly.


    “Go on,” Fu Jiashu smiled, “Three minutes, uninterrupted.”

    Without hesitation, Chu Jinghong downed his drink. “I ran into Linlang recently…”

    Shen Li was curious but confused. Xiao Yao leaned over to explain quietly: “His ex-girlfriend.”

    It seemed like they were getting back together.

    Ex-girlfriend… Shen Li finished his drink in one go, momentarily lost in thought. If Lu Changting ran into Tang Yao, would they get back together too?

    “Now it all makes sense why you’ve been so hard to get ahold of lately,” Lu Changxu took a sip of his drink. “Why didn’t you bring her along?”

    “Next time,” Chu Jinghong smiled, explaining, “Tonight’s meetup was a bit sudden, and she had work to finish.”

    “Two workaholics,” Fu Jiashu raised an eyebrow. “I just hope you won’t break up over the whole ‘do you love me or your work more’ thing again.”

    Chen Xingye laughed: “Is that jealousy or envy? At least Jinghong isn’t single anymore. You should reflect on that.”

    Xiao Yao chimed in: “Exactly.”

    Shen Li listened quietly, watching them banter and tease each other, feeling for a moment as if he truly belonged in their tight-knit circle.

    He used to have a decent relationship with Lu Changxu and the others, but it was just that—decent. They weren’t close friends. However, tonight, he learned so many things, and that faint sense of exclusion, as if he were on the outside of their circle, was gone.

    He felt a bit happy. This way, he was a little closer to Lu Changting.

    They didn’t stay out too late that night, dispersing just before midnight, each heading home.

    After Shen Li got home, showered, and lay in bed, he found himself unable to sleep.

    Tomorrow, he’d be having dinner with Lu Changting.

    Just the two of them.

    He turned over, reached under his pillow for his phone, and opened WeChat, staring at Lu Changting’s profile picture.

    Lu Changting’s profile was of sparkling ocean waves, and his Moments were mostly links to academic articles. Shen Li had scrolled through the past six months of Lu Changting’s Moments more than once, from top to bottom, but there was nothing personal—no glimpses into his daily life.

    Shen Li often wondered what Lu Changting’s life abroad had been like. Every winter and summer break, he’d wander around the school area, holding onto a faint hope of bumping into him, but he never learned anything about how Lu Changting was doing overseas. And they never ran into each other again.

    He never dared to imagine that one day, he and Lu Changting would actually become friends.

    The clothes he planned to wear tomorrow were already ironed and hanging neatly in the closet, and he’d made a full box of chocolates, now sitting on his bedside table.

    What should he say as his first sentence when they meet tomorrow?

    The phone screen dimmed, and Shen Li used his finger to unlock it. At the same moment, a notification popped up in WeChat. He paused for a moment, then hurriedly opened the chat.

    [L: Goodnight.]

    [L: See you tomorrow.]

    Two small stones were carelessly tossed into the calm lake of his heart, creating a soft “plop” before sinking to the bottom, leaving only faint ripples spreading outward.

    Shen Li turned over, buried his face into his pillow, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

    He replied, “See you tomorrow,” followed by “Goodnight.”

    Then, he tucked the phone back under his pillow, closed his eyes, and tried to lull himself to sleep by counting stars and moons.

    Why wasn’t the night over yet?

    He wished he could close his eyes, open them, and it would be morning.

    When he opened his eyes, he’d see his “Xiao Gege.”

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