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    After hearing the story of wolves appearing following wild boars and bears, Melmond had a hunch that this moment would come. In front of him sat a bewildered Truyde who had an astonishing expression, and the new attendant who had a frowning face. His first encounter with the Marquis of Norhox, who had his arms crossed and leaned against the wall, had his eyes narrowed.

    “Explain. Do you have a way to call wild animals over there?”

    Truyde’s voice, asking the question, was mixed with a half-hearted laughter. This was fortunate. Melmond politely answered, trying to hide his confusion.

    “Absolutely not.”

    He was emphasizing the absolute truth, but the new attendant intervened with sarcasm.

    “Did the curse of the devil stick to that Regas?”

    Melmond quickly glanced at the new attendant.

    “If it’s a curse, then all the attendant needs to do is to solve it.”

    “What? No, how dare you…”

    As the attendant took a step forward with wide eyes, Trude held out his hand to stop him. Then he asked Melman again.

    “So, you’re saying this is a coincidence? That they coincidentally encountered wild boars, bears, and wolves in the Dragon Forest, each three days apart?”

    His voice still contained laughter, but his eyes were cold. Melmond knew well that this young and handsome duke was not an easy person. It was quite an impressive feat for him to establish this level of power as soon as he succeeded in his father’s position. At least, he should not evaluate him based on his young age. Melmond firmly prepared his words and spoke.

    “I don’t think it’s a coincidence. But I also don’t think Abel is the cause.”

    “Is the prince the reason, then?”

    “Yes, he does.”

    Melmond nodded vigorously, and the attendant raised his voice again.

    “Be careful with your words! Are you trying to insult the royal family?!”

    This time, Truyde also did not stop the attendant and demanded an explanation from Melmond.

    “Do you know how dangerous your words are?”

    Melmond swallowed hard at his cold voice. However, even in his tense state, he spoke with determination.

    “I know. But before you punish me, would you please take a look at this?”

    Melmond handed Truyde a book he had found after searching the library for several days. It was not an official record of the royal family, but a diary written by someone who worked for the royal family.

    “This is a record I found in the section I manage. If you look here, it says that King Thearildi VII, often brought animals out of the Dragon Forest when he was young. And this other book is about King Kapril, the 11th King.”

    Melmond pointed to a certain place with his hand as he handed over the second book.

    “There is a similar content here as well. And if you look at this book…”

    “That’s enough.”

    When Truyde raised his hand to stop him, Melmond finally took a step back. Sweat had formed on his forehead from tension, but he had no time to worry about it as he watched the other’s reaction. Truyde began to carefully examine each book that Melmond had given him. It took a long time for him to examine the books. However, no one complained. Finally, when Truyde looked up, the silence inside was broken.

    “You managed to find something like this.”

    Rather than praise, it was closer to ridicule, and Melmond slightly lowered his reddening face. However, as long as the results were good, he didn’t care even if he was ridiculed. Abel was enduring longer and better than he had expected, so he couldn’t waste a moment of his efforts.

    If Abel just gives up and leaves, it would actually be a relief, but as a disciple of Wielder, he couldn’t just leave. Fortunately, there are only about four days left now. Unless there is a noticeable change in the prince, Abel’s opportunity will be over in a week. So, even though it was bothersome, there was nothing else to do but help him with what he could do.

    “Alright. Let’s just overlook the fact that the cause of this incident was the prince, as you suggest.”

    “Th-Thank you, Your Highness.”

    Melmond finally took a deep breath and bowed his head. He also let go of his worries that he might be blamed for Abel’s sake and suffer harm. At that moment, the Duke casually asked a question as if something had come to mind.

    “But it’s strange. Even though he encountered boars, bears, and wolves, he was able to escape without being caught and run away on two feet while even carrying the prince. How can you explain that?”

    “Ah, well, I would like to say that it’s thanks to the training of our sect. Abel is a very strong guy with excellent stamina and physical strength, as we consider physical fitness important and train by running up mountains every day and climbing cliffs barehanded. Moreover, haha, it’s embarrassing, but being chased by boars is nothing out of the ordinary for Abel….”

    “Enough, let him go out.”

    Truyde interrupted Melmond’s proud words as if he was annoyed. After Melmond left with a crestfallen face, Norhox spoke coldly as if waiting for it.

    “Pathetic. Those guys are called Regas’? Training to climb cliffs? Ha!”

    He spat out with enthusiasm, and Truyde stared at him with a frown.

    “Duke Truyde. How long do you plan to keep playing around like this? Do you really hope that Abel will continue to wander around Dragon Forest and eventually become the real prince’s Regas?”

    Truyde glanced at Norhox with folded arms and casually replied.

    “Marquis, you seem worried. If Abel becomes the prince’s Regas’, you won’t be able to play with the Regas that suits your taste anymore.”

    “Watch your tone.”

    “Am I wrong? As far as I know, the only thing you do when you enter the royal palace is lie around in the Regas’ palace.”

    Norhox gritted his teeth and twitched his eyebrows, but Truyde didn’t pay any attention and turned his gaze to the attendant.

    “There must be separate records about the royal family in the palace, right? Look for those records and see if they’re true. Or if there were more incidents like that.”

    The attendant cautiously asked while looking at the books Truyde presented.

    “Are you concerned about the prince? Do you perhaps see him as capable like the previous kings…?”

    “He should be capable, of course.”


    “It’s only natural that we couldn’t find it if it was hidden from the eyes of the snake due to his abilities. Isn’t that right, Marquis?”

    Truyde turned his eyes and asked, but Norhox responded indifferently, seemingly unaffected by his previous words.

    “If we couldn’t find it, then how could it be a dragon’s ability?”

    Then, he twisted his lips and looked down at the book that Melmond had left.

    “The appearance of animals is more of the forest’s ability rather than the prince’s ability. The forest’s magic sometimes appears in ways that we cannot understand. But if you’re worried about it, then diligently search for information.”

    With a smirk, Norhox chuckled before detaching himself from the wall and added.

    “By the way, some of the children in the Regas Palace seem to know the Duke well. Strangely, they all have blond hair, green eyes, and feminine faces. The Duke should change that definite preference. It’s a preference that His Majesty also likes, so should the subordinates take away what belongs to their master?”

    ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖

    On this early morning, the entrance to the forest where Abel and the prince were being escorted was filled with tension like never before. Not only did a wolf appear a week ago, but a few days ago, a snake as long as a person also appeared. The problem was that Abel, unaware of the snake following him, casually smiled and greeted. Since then, the soldiers and Ashler, who were waiting here, stared at the forest as if facing an enemy. Of course, only Abel, who was oblivious, stood there with a lunchbox and fishing rod in one hand and holding the prince in the other, looking excited.

    “Sir, then I’ll be on my way. I’ll catch a lot of fish today and bring them back.”

    Ashler tried to refuse, saying it was unnecessary, but Abel was encouraging the prince.

    “Your Highness, let’s catch a really big one to surprise Sir. Hehe―”

    Unable to say that it was unnecessary even to the prince, Ashler sighed and pointed to the forest.

    “Please be extremely careful to ensure that the prince does not get hurt.”

    “Yes. Of course! The forest is not a dangerous place, so please rest assured, Sir.”

    “Do you encounter wild boars, bears, wolves, or snakes in a place that is not dangerous?”


    Abel stuttered in confusion but soon laughed with confidence.

    “Ah, Abel won’t meet them again. Haha, I doubt there are wild boars, bears, wolves, or snakes living in that forest if we build a village.

    “If you were to build a village?

    “…I apologize. I will be careful.”

    Finally stepping back, Ashler warned him once again to be cautious. Abel, knowing that he was genuinely concerned, looked up at the sky as if deep in thought before casually speaking.

    “But now it will truly be alright. We won’t encounter wild boars, bears, wolves, or snakes anymore.”

    “How do you know that?”

    Ashler asked bluntly, and Abel responded with a strange smile on his face. The calmness in Abel’s eyes was so profound that Ashler even had a fleeting illusion that he was looking at a different person. Unable to ask further, he simply watched as he took the prince’s hand and stepped forward. Abel walked into the fog, gently asking the prince a question.

    “Your Highness, what new things shall we encounter today?”

    Soon, the two of them disappeared into the mist, but Ashler remained in his spot. Strangely, Abel’s words felt true for a moment, but he quickly changed his mind. Who could know if wild boars, bears, wolves, or snakes were truly living in that forest and making up the village?

    Ashler turned around and observed the soldiers building a fence nearby. Despite not being ordered to do so, they were instinctively constructing the fence in response to the wild animals that had been appearing. The soldiers were also filled with determination, confident that even if four types of creatures attacked together, they would not be surprised.

    And then, instinct told him that danger would soon come from within that fog. Ashler gripped his sword and aimed it at the mist. Yes, let anything come. He would cut it down in one stroke. Would it realize his anticipation? When the sun rose high above his head, he finally heard Abel’s familiar scream from beyond the fog.



    Swish! Swish! Swish!

    Here it comes!

    Ashler, along with the nearby soldiers, quickly drew their swords and gathered around. As expected, something had appeared today! Everyone’s eyes gleamed with determination to mercilessly slaughter any monster that appeared. Ashler, the commanding officer, took a step forward and waited for Abel to appear. And then, a clearer scream approached first. However, the scream was somewhat different from usual.


    A more urgent and terrified voice. Unknowingly, Ashler tightened his grip on the sword and wondered what animal could be scarier than a wild boar, bear, or wolf. Could it really be a swarm chasing after them? Just as he thought that, Abel emerged through the fog. Always polite, he shouted a warning. But this time, his words were even more desperate.

    “Ahhhh! Everyone, run away!”

    Instead of saying “Move aside,” he said, “Run away”? But there was no time to ponder why the word had changed. Something was approaching behind Abel. And it was making a noise.


    Woong? Everyone looked puzzled and peered through the fog. Soon, black-spotted creatures started to appear in the white mist. The sound became clearer too.



    A swarm of bees appeared.

    The reason Abel didn’t receive any scolding was because he was also stung by the bees in his whole body. If you looked closely, the prince was completely surrounded by bees, but not a single sting landed on him. However, despite this, the soldiers couldn’t see Abel with kind eyes, who was heading back into the forest.

    Not only could they not open their eyes properly after being stung by a bee, but Abel’s expression as he headed towards the forest was as cheerful as ever. Somehow, it seemed like all this suffering was Abel’s fault, but the actual person involved, who had a swollen face from the bee stings, was just happy. Although the soldiers’ gazes were cold, Ashler, who should have given the worst gaze, seemed unaffected. Instead, he even gave a warm farewell.

    “Please have a fun time.”


    “I look forward to what the prince will catch today.”


    Abel tightly held the prince’s hand and took a step back. He whispered with a bewildered look.

    “You must be in a lot of pain from the bee stings. How about taking a rest today and going in?”

    “….Turn off your concern.”

    “Oh! You’re all better now!”

    As Abel laughed and congratulated him, Ashler unknowingly placed his hand on the sword. He barely refrained from drawing the sword and pointed towards the forest.

    “Please enjoy playing until sunset today.”


    Abel nodded vigorously and smiled. Then, he and the prince disappeared into the fog with energetic steps.

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