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    Loves Balance
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    “…No? Who’s getting annoyed?”

    He spoke again as if nothing had happened, but the warm flush rising beneath his cheerful smile gave him away. It didn’t seem like that at all. I think you’re right to be a little annoyed. You may think it’s strange, but it’s not that bad.

    I stared at him as he maintained a clean expression, then shifted my gaze to the rising steam in front of him.

    “I’ve been wanting to ask, why did you fill the basin with water?”

    “Oh, this. It’s for you to wash up.”


    What is he talking about? At first, I thought he was going to wash his face, but who in their right mind would wash their face with such hot water? So I asked, and he promptly turned off the tap and soaked a towel he had just taken out. Seemingly unbothered by the heat, he wrung out the wet towel, and then… wait. Why is he bringing that over to me? A sense of foreboding sent a chill down my spine.

    “What are you doing?”

    “I told you. We’re getting you cleaned up.”

    He naturally came between my legs and suddenly pulled down my waistband without warning. Ack! I was startled and immediately bent my knees, but there was no way I could move quickly with a body drained of all strength. In the end, my underwear and pants, which I had hoped would at least catch on my knees, slipped off easily…

    “Oh, stop!”

    I frantically grabbed at the hem of my clothes to cover my exposed lower half. Any drowsiness was instantly gone. This is driving me crazy! I retreated into the corner as far as I could go. This guy was really going to go as far as to wipe me down there!

    While I was huffing, he spoke in a stern voice.

    “Seo Seung-won. Aren’t you sleepy? You should clean up quickly and go to sleep.”

    “I just need to take a shower. No, forget it. I’ll do it myself, so give it to me. I said give it to me, I’ll do it myself!”

    “How long would it take for you to clean yourself alone?”

    Honestly, I didn’t even have the energy to argue, but maybe it was the shock. My voice cracked unpleasantly as it rose. I took a deep breath and glared at him as hard as I could. Tae Seong-je looked down at me askance and slowly tilted his head.

    “Why are you trying to hide what I’ve already seen and even touched? Can’t I look again?”

    As if.


    “Oh, I didn’t say anything.”

    Does he have mind-reading abilities or something? I stopped struggling and looked at him cautiously. Tae Seong-je gently held my knees.

    “See? I was right. You’re still okay. Full of energy, huh?”

    “No, I’m not. I’m not okay.”

    I sensed an inexplicable eerieness from his soft tone, making my body tremble involuntarily. I wanted to leave immediately, but I couldn’t escape with him standing between my legs. Thinking there was no other choice, I curled up in the corner and gripped my thighs tightly. I pushed against his thick thighs with my feet, determined to use whatever strength I had left to keep him from forcing my knees apart.

    But contrary to my expectations, he didn’t force anything. He just stared down at me lying on the sink as if lost in thought. I felt embarrassed and stopped struggling, meeting his eyes awkwardly.

    Amidst the strange silence, I blinked, unsure of the meaning behind our tangled gazes. Then Tae Seong-je whispered:

    “How nice it would be if you were this energetic every day.”


    His muttering words really struck a nerve. Here I was, rudely kicking and pushing at his thighs, while he remained unfazed and made such nonchalant comments.

    I felt a surge of genuine frustration. I wouldn’t win by strength. What about using the opposite approach? With that thought, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me with all my strength.

    He seemed caught off guard as if he hadn’t expected me to do anything. I hoped he would completely lose his balance, but contrary to my wishes, he quickly steadied himself against the wall.

    “Seo Seung-won, you.”

    Under his shadow, I clicked my tongue in disappointment. He must have heard it because Tae Seong-je let out a dry laugh. Looking into his eyes, which seemed more alive than ever, I realized I had done something incredibly foolish – like kicking a tiger’s shins in its den. Desperate to escape, I kicked at his thighs and abdomen, but suddenly, I felt something substantial under my foot.


    I snapped back to reality at the unfamiliar, low groan. No way, did this crazy guy really get hit there of all places?

    I was about to hurriedly apologize, but when he muttered roughly, “You daring bastard,” I was suddenly at a loss for words, unable to even make an excuse. Strangely, the low voice mixed with laughter echoed loudly, and I could only gape, unable to say anything.

    No, I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t aim for that spot intentionally. Really, I didn’t.

    Not knowing what to do, I tried to move my foot away first, but then my ankle was firmly grasped. Startled as if having a fit, I kicked my leg up like kicking a ball. However, my ankle was still enveloped in Tae Seong-je’s palm, and the sensation beneath my foot was…

    The unfamiliar and explicit sensation beneath my foot was so terrifying that my head felt like it was boiling with heat. I had forgotten that he was also erect. It must have been like that for quite a while, but I had forgotten about it. This level of absentmindedness was problematic.


    My vision blurred, my mind became hazy, and my breathing became completely erratic. I almost made a strange sound. Barely holding it back, a thin, suppressed sound escaped my throat as if I were being strangled. If I hadn’t held back, I would have let out a single scream of shock. Because he, Tae Seong-je, this crazy person, had started to pleasure himself with my foot!

    I could only think he was truly insane. Who in their right mind does something like that with someone else’s foot? His p3nis, which looked impressive even just from its outline, was still fiercely erect. I stared at it with a mixture of fear and fascination.

    It wouldn’t have been strange to feel disgust and shudder, but oddly enough, I didn’t feel that way at all. Instead, I wanted to observe him more closely as he seemed unusually impatient and aroused while breathing heavily.

    I must have gone crazy too. I’m not some pervert who feels elation while knowing it’s wrong. I wanted to stop, but like an addict, I didn’t want to. Even so, I did wonder what on earth we were doing on top of a sink. But seeing him more desperate than me, acting as if he’d lost his mind, I felt it didn’t matter anyway.

    As he twisted my ankle and deliberately rubbed my foot against himself, I could feel his erect p3nis completely. How hard it was, how hot, and even how excited he was. Starting from my heel and even over my toes, that large thing seemed to throb violently with each friction.

    “Hyung, I…”

    It was commendable that I managed to speak without making any strange moans, but when our eyes met directly, I couldn’t continue speaking. If lust could be felt through someone’s eyes, this might be what I was seeing right now.

    I could feel the lust in his eyes, the depth of which was unknown, to the point where I wondered if my voice would reach him even if I spoke to him. His eyes, which seemed darker due to the shadow, appeared to gleam dangerously, making even my rapid breathing stop, creating an illusion that I was being engulfed by him.

    This, no, this person was too obscene for me to handle.

    At that moment, I must have unconsciously tried to pull my leg away because he gripped my ankle tightly. The feel of the huge thing touching me at the same time was so stimulating and intense that I didn’t even feel the pain.

    I was surprised and embarrassed that he felt sexual desire for me, and my whole body felt like it was burning up, but honestly, I was a bit bewildered. I couldn’t understand what part of me he was looking at to get that aroused. It’s not like I have an arousing atmosphere just by being still, nor do I look particularly attractive, nor can I be seen that way…

    “This won’t do.”

    His whispered words were starkly different from the strength of his grip. I can’t do this, Tae Seong-je said once again as if he was trying. That was something he said to himself, not to me. Despite the roughness in his voice, it sounded certain, and I thought he would back off.

    However, he did the opposite and came so close that he seemed about to pour himself onto me. His hand, large enough to cover my neck when he cupped my cheek, enveloped my head almost simultaneously.

    I fell under his shadow and swallowed the violent breathing and low moans he let out. My skin tingled all over, and my thighs, which I had been straining to keep tense, began to tremble. No, it felt like my whole body was shaking. As my lips quivered from tension, even my breathing sounded ridiculous, like air escaping from a rusty pipe.

    Is he going to kiss me now? My heart pounded so hard it hurt my ears, feeling like it might burst at any moment. We had kissed earlier, but I was nervous. Even though they say the second time is easier than the first, I was more nervous this time. The atmosphere didn’t suggest he would kiss me as carefully and longingly as before.

    “Seung-won, wait, just a moment…”

    Despite saying “wait” and “just a moment,” his hand slipped inside my clothes. It was detestable, but his touch as he clung to me and caressed my skin felt endearing, making my cheeks feel like they were burning gently.

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