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    My body was still like this no matter how much I ate or how hard I worked out, so I was mentally drained. When I looked up, the lights were turned on and the majority of the students were seated. I saw the old professor standing on the podium. The lecture appeared to be starting soon.

    I stared blankly at the old professor, who was staring at the computer and turning his head to the side. Can I call this a coincidence? Woo Ji-min was the one who woke me up. I only saw him once, but it’s been a long time. He was still an eye-catching beauty.

    There were quite a few empty seats when I looked around. Why did he have to sit next to me? Is this Woo Ji-min’s will? The world’s consciousness of this novel appears to have pushed him… to build character relationships. Woo Ji-min was put in front of me by the novel, putting my worries and anxiety in vain. I wasn’t feeling particularly happy or grateful.

    Anyway, I think I should talk to him, but I was too nervous to think of anything to say. It was not obvious, but it was not a lie. I had been studying the plot until now, but why can’t my mouth open so easily?

    I clenched my hands tightly and lowered my head to avoid the awkward and unbearable silence. I was filled with the need to say hello, but I ended up saying thanks without saying anything else. Woo Ji-min gave me a quick glance before returning his gaze forward, as if uninterested.

    Woo Ji-min, the main character, is more sensitive and wary than the others. He is a person who reacts strongly to simple favors, so excessive attention and approach were not good. Then, even if I ruined the first impression, holding on to him and talking to him would be a bad idea. Yeah, let’s not be greedy. Let’s approach him slowly and carefully like Kang Moo-hyun.

    The old professor opened his mouth with a benevolent expression.

    “Now, I will call attendance first. Kang Moo-hyun.”


    “Oh, yeah. Kang Moo-hyun. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that handsome face.”

    The conversation was pleasant and easygoing. Because the small talk lasted longer than expected, I secretly turned my gaze to the side. Woo Ji-min’s fine forehead wrinkled. The fact that the novel had begun really got under my skin. Woo Ji-min despised Kang Moo-hyun, as depicted in the novel, and the blade stood still.

    And it’s now at the level of a child, but he’ll soon discover that his hate is close to disgust. It was difficult to see him directly because I was hesitant to know the future of others and pretended not to know. I turned my head and looked out the window on purpose. Even if it was peaceful, the calm voice of the old professor calling the students’ names, the white clouds that flowed quietly, and the deep blue sky made it so.

    It was unexpected, but I considered it fortunate that the world I entered was not a fantasy novel. I would not have slept well if I had entered a zombie novel with this body. This is not to say that BL novel is good, but…

    Ah, BL novels. That punk’s BL novel.

    My sister’s only hobby was reading BL novels. I’ve known that for quite some time. It wasn’t because I was understanding and kind that I hid her menial hobbies. I received a lot of help from my younger sister, so I cooperated.

    Our house was a little unusual, a little out of the ordinary. My younger sister was forced to develop hobbies and specialties in accordance with our mother’s wishes, and she was unable to have a private life because her friends, school, and even her cell phone were all monitored. Our mother claimed she was concerned because my younger sister is their precious daughter, but no one could see that she was being overprotective.

    Our mother hoped that she would grow up to be a perfect young lady or a good-natured lady, marry, and live as if she lived in a house that was perfect in every way. Even if that means staying at home with your spouse and not paying attention to each other. Anyway, my sister would be half-dead if my mother found out about my sister’s hobbies.

    Each of us had to work hard to live up to our parent’s wishes, but it was like trying to fit a limb into a box that didn’t fit. It was a difficult life to live without relying on something. In any case, we were siblings with a close bond. Also, Seo Seung-won and Seo Seung-jun were exceptionally close as brothers. My mouth became bitter in an instant. When did I forget to check the unilateral contact?

    “Seo Seung-won.”

    “Uhm, yes.”

    I felt a look of light curiosity, but I lowered my head. I was meaninglessly fiddling with my cell phone on the desk when I turned on the screen impulsively. There were numerous unchecked messages. They ranged from family members to alumni of Seo Seung-won, with whom he had no contact. I read the text on the screen in turn without pressing the message.

    Bastard, call me before I really go. [8:24]

    Kwon Jung-hyeok, this short-tempered fellow has been very noisy since the morning. He only asked me if I was alive for a few weeks, but now he says something threatening. There is no reason why a guy who went to college in Daegu can’t come to Seoul. However, since Kwon Jung-hyeok’s family business had recently opened a chain store in Daegu, I knew very well that he would not have time to visit me.

    While I was still looking at the screen, another KakaoTalk message came from Seo Seung-won’s friend, Park Kang-woo.

    Seo Seung-yu don’t leave me behind… Reply before you lost meㅠ [10:27]

    Then, the previously silent group chat room, which included me, Kwon Jung-hyeok, Park Kang-woo, and Lee Hyun-wook, who is currently studying abroad and is not in Korea, began to active. Park Kang-woo was just talking to himself when Kwon Jung-hyeok responded and carried on the conversation.

    It’s been a long time since I left the 3rd year high school group chat room, but even if I left, I was invited again, so I just ignored it. It was natural for the four of them to be so close. I suddenly remembered my first day of school. They said that even if I had no memory, Seo Seung-won would not change.

    It’s a strange thing. Maybe it’s because I was so focused on friendship when I was younger. They didn’t even care when they saw me, who was clearly not the original Seo Seung-won. But that’s probably all I can say because the person they can see is their friend.

    Could they be the same if they knew the person they thought of as a friend actually had someone else in his body? Well. That was something I couldn’t figure out because I wasn’t one of them. Of course, this doesn’t mean I don’t know anything.

    If nothing happened to me… What if I discovered that someone else was living in my sister’s body while I was living a normal life without becoming Seo Seung-won? It will be terrifying and creepy.

    When did it change, I felt like blaming myself for not noticing that until now. Meanwhile, I considered people I didn’t know as family, and even spending time with them made me uncomfortable, I worried that I’d go insane worrying about where my real sister had gone.

    Wouldn’t that be the same for everyone else?

    That’s why I avoided getting involved in Seo Seung-won’s social life. Taking a dive and ignoring the people in Seo Seung-won’s life was destroying the relationship, but Seo Seung-won would be able to repair it.

    Above all, I was in no mood to contact or care about the friends of others. At this time, I’ll be concerned about my true friends. Because the people I vaguely remember and my sister are my everything. would be fine. That’s why I wasn’t too worried about my friends, but I was especially worried about my younger sister.

    I wanted to check on her, even for a moment, but when I couldn’t, I became nervous again. Nothing is dangerous in our home. There are only families, but that is the issue. My father and mother suffocated my younger sister just by their presence.

    My father was the type of man who treated his daughters as if they were porcelain dolls. That is equivalent to saying he cared for her while also treating her as an ornamental flower. My younger sister had to dress nicely and smile brightly both outside and at home, and she had to pretend she didn’t understand even if she heard something stupid. If you want to laugh, behave; if you don’t, behave.

    It’s the same for me, but she was the type of person who would work hard at anything, so she would do everything even if she didn’t like it. As a result, she led the life of an idiot, pretending to be deaf even after hearing insults. Somehow I felt like crying. It wasn’t because I suddenly felt sorry for my younger sister.

    My heart was packed because I couldn’t think of her no matter how hard I tried. What the hell is this fictional world doing to me? The only forms that came to mind were blank, and I couldn’t remember the name. I couldn’t even call her my younger sister in my dreams, so it was pointless.

    When everyone’s name was called and it was over, the gray-haired professor cleared his throat and talked again.

    “Because today is the first day of the semester, I’ll get it done quickly. Well, first of all, as those who have read the syllabus know, this class has a high proportion of teamwork scores. Four people will form a team…”

    Even though Woo Ji-min despises Kang Moo-hyun, the group task event serves as a starting point for exchanging phone numbers and meeting face-to-face. And at this point, when Kang Moo-hyun approached Woo Ji-min, all I had to do was snoop around Woo Ji-min without being a bother.

    “There is no midterm exam, and the final exam will be replaced with a report. Do you have a question?”

    “Professor. Can a team gather people who want to do it?”

    “No. Teams were chosen at random. Initially, I intended to display it on the screen, but I am unable to connect to the computer. Moo-hyun. It may be cumbersome, but you can help me.”

    Kang Moo-hyun, who got up from his seat, was really like the main character in a different way from Woo Ji-min. It was like a person living in another world alone.

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