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    Loves Error

    “Madam, are you awake?”

    Yan Yuzhou, in a daze, heard someone knocking on the door outside, accompanied by a respectful and polite greeting.

    Madam? Yan Yuzhou, still half-asleep, pondered with his not-so-awake mind, whom could they be referring to? He didn’t recognize the voice. He turned over, grabbed a pillow, covered his ears, and planned to continue sleeping.

    He remembered that the Valentine’s Day event had ended last night, and the flower shop could finally take a breather from the hustle and bustle. He had decided before going to bed last night that he would sleep in today.

    Just as he was about to drift back into the conversation with Zhou Gong (a mythical figure in Chinese culture known for his association with dreams. Ps: It just means he was going to continue his dream), the knocking on the door resounded again, still respectful but now carrying a hint of insistence.

    “Madam, the master said he wants you to come to the company at noon and accompany him back to the old house for lunch.”

    “Darn it, when will this end?” Forced awake by these words, Yan Yuzhou threw the pillow aside, cursed, and got out of bed. “Who’s this ‘madam’ and ‘master’? Can’t you see it’s early in the morning, can’t you stop disturbing my sleep…”

    Before the last word “sleep” could leave his mouth, Yan Yuzhou opened the door, when he saw the person standing respectfully at the door the word got stuck in his throat.

    The person before him was a woman who appeared to be in her forties, dressed in clean clothes, her ponytail neatly tied at the back of her head. She stood at the door with a smile, and upon seeing Yan Yuzhou open the door, she bowed first before speaking calmly:

    “Good morning, madam. I apologize for disturbing your rest. Today is the day you and the master return to the old house together. It’s time to get ready.”

    Yan Yuzhou stared at the lady standing at the door, listened to what she said, and remained in a daze with the posture of opening the door for quite a while. Then he looked at her with a face that looked like he was looking at a madman, “Excuse me, lady, may I ask who you are?”

    The lady bowed again, “Madam must still be new here, not quite accustomed yet. I am Mr. Shen’s housekeeper, Song Shufang. Just call me Sister Song. We met yesterday.”

    “Just met… did we?” A hint of confusion flashed in Yan Yuzhou’s eyes. Habitually, he adjusted his bangs and thought to himself, amidst the bustling customers in the flower shop yesterday, he could barely manage, let alone remember someone like Sister Song.

    However, Yan Yuzhou suddenly raised his head, looked at Sister Song with a strange expression, and tremblingly pointed at her, “You’re perfectly fine, why are you calling me madam?! Also, who the hell is Mr. Shen?”

    Sister Song’s expression revealed a hint of helplessness, and her tone was full of persuasion, “Oh, madam, at this point, you should accept this reality. You are together with Mr. due to a 100% pheromone match, but because of this, feelings can develop conveniently. You and Mr. have already obtained the marriage certificate, and the prenuptial agreement has been signed. If you want to back out now, it’s not possible anymore!”

    Yan Yuzhou looked at Sister Song’s face full of concern and felt even more inadequate in his mind. Marriage certificate obtained, prenuptial agreement signed, 100% pheromone match—what on earth is all this about?

    Seeing Yan Yuzhou’s indescribable expression, Sister Song inferred that he was still having difficulty accepting this marriage in his heart for the time being. However, she, as a housekeeper of the Shen family, was ultimately an outsider, so she no longer insisted on this matter. She respectfully smiled, “You ate very little last night, you must be starving now. Madam, please wait a moment, I’ll bring your meal in.”

    With that, Sister Song bowed slightly and proceeded into the kitchen with a few steps.

    Yan Yuzhou watched as Sister Song’s figure disappeared, feeling even more uneasy in his heart. He turned around, looking bewildered, and sat back on the edge of the bed, running his hand over the exquisite texture of the sheets and blankets. Casting a cursory glance around the room’s decor and furnishings, he felt a jolt of surprise. Was this still his narrow but cozy bedroom?

    He suddenly stood up and began to rummage around the room.

    There must be evidence proving that all of this was fake.

    Yan Yuzhou pulled open all the cabinets in the room. Perhaps because he had just moved in, most of the cabinets and drawers were empty. Yan Yuzhou quickly checked and sifted through them. Soon, in the second drawer of a cabinet by the bed, he found something resembling a spray bottle, beneath which was a red little booklet and a piece of A4 paper.

    Yan Yuzhou’s heart sank as he took out the contents.

    At that moment, Sister Song walked in with the meal, seeing Yan Yuzhou crouched there staring at the things in his hands. She smiled and said, “Madam, don’t look at that for now. You must be hungry at this time.”

    Yan Yuzhou looked up at Sister Song, his eyes filled with disbelief, his fingers trembling. He stood up with the items in his hand and sat heavily back down on the bed.

    He paid no attention to the moderately sized spray bottle for now.

    The red little booklet was his marriage certificate with a stranger.

    And the A4-sized document turned out to be a prenuptial agreement.

    【1. During the marriage, the two parties will live separately and independently, with no interference from each other.】

    【2. Shen Ci will not be responsible for any matters related to Yan Yuzhou’s heat period. The latter should maintain restraint and carry inhibitors with him at all times.】

    【3. The validity of the marriage will continue until the passing of Old Master Shen.】

    After reading the three clauses, Yan Yuzhou’s eyes were filled with immense confusion.

    As he looked down, he saw the date written at the bottom: February 14, 2***. Wasn’t that yesterday? Executors: Yan Yuzhou, Shen Ci.

    Wait… Shen Ci? That’s a very familiar name.

    Yan Yuzhou stared at the name Shen Ci for a long time. His mind quickly reviewed the list of guests at the flower shop, but he found nothing. Just as he was about to give up, suddenly a web novel that he had quickly closed after just one glance popped into his mind.

    Shen Ci, if he remembered correctly, was the male lead in a pure love serial novel titled “Mr. Indifferent Marks Me,” being written by his childhood friend and best friend, Lin Xiaoguo.

    Just last night, Yan Yuzhou had closed the flower shop and barely made it home with his tired body when Lin Xiaoguo excitedly sent him a link to a novel website, saying she had used his name and temperament to write a pure love novel. It had just been serialized for fifty thousand words and was featured as the top recommendation due to its high click-through rate.

    Yan Yuzhou quickly glanced at the synopsis and was infuriated to find out that the character with the same name and surname as himself was the omega cruelly marked by the indifferent and heartless gentleman.

    Yan Yuzhou wasn’t gay to begin with, let alone a masochist. Lin Xiaoguo was way out of line to use him like this just because he looked good. Too exhausted to deal with Lin Xiaoguo, he went straight to bed. But when he woke up, he found himself standing in what seemed like a villa of over five hundred square meters. And the person in front of him, who claimed to be Sister Song, respectfully addressed him as “Madam.”

    In an instant, every hair on Yan Yuzhou’s body stood on end.

    Did he accidentally transmigrate? And into a dog-blooded ABO novel?

    Damn! This prank was getting a bit too far…


    Under Sister Song’s arrangement, Yan Yuzhou, who was completely bewildered, was like a puppet on strings. He changed into appropriate attire and walked out of the villa gate, where the Shen family’s driver was already waiting. Yan Yuzhou was then cheerfully pushed into the car by Sister Song.

    “Madam, the master has been waiting for you at the company. Wish you and the master a pleasant time.” Then, with a smile, the driver closed the car door.

    Yan Yuzhou rolled his eyes in the back seat of the car, allowing the driver, Xiao Wang, to take him to the downstairs of a building.

    Downstairs of Shenhai Building, there were many high-end cars parked. Yan Yuzhou sat in the car, looking nervously out the window.

    The “master” in name, Shen Ci, just called the driver and said he would be downstairs in five minutes. Yan Yuzhou unconsciously moved aside, leaving a seat vacant. He thought that when the other party arrived, he couldn’t let him sit in the passenger seat.

    As he thought this, the door on the other side suddenly opened, causing Yan Yuzhou’s heart to skip a beat. He subconsciously turned his head to look, and what he met was a pair of light-colored eyes which held no warmth in them.

    Driver Xiao Wang respectfully greeted the person who sat in, “Good day, Mr. Shen.” Shen Ci replied almost indifferently. Then, the next moment after the car door closed, he furrowed his brow and swiftly rolled down the window.

    Yan Yuzhou was contemplating whether he should also greet him when he saw the person who had rolled down the window turn to him with a cold and indifferent expression, lightly parting his lips, “Remember to carry a scent blocker with you. The scent in the car is too strong.”

    Scent? What scent? Yan Yuzhou was stunned for a moment, then realized what Shen Ci meant.

    Suddenly curious about the scent of his own pheromones, Yan Yuzhou blurted out without thinking, “What does my pheromone smell like? Is it pleasant?”

    As soon as he finished speaking, the person sitting beside him visibly darkened, casting a disdainful glance at him as if he were dealing with a fool and said without a hint of warmth, “Show some restraint.”

    Hey! What’s wrong with asking about the scent? How does that relate to showing restraint???

    Yan Yuzhou shrugged, about to retort, when he heard the man beside him, Mr. Shen, say, “When we meet grandfather later, don’t mention the agreement we signed.”

    Yan Yuzhou quickly realized he was referring to the three clauses he had seen not long ago. Since he didn’t really have any objections to the agreement, he nodded indifferently.

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