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    Loves Error

    The Shen family’s old mansion was located in the suburbs. Yan Yuzhou watched as the driver, Xiao Wang, gradually drove the car away from the city. The more he looked, the more his heart pounded with fear. He finally realized that he had arrived in a completely unfamiliar city.

    His expression became solemn as this realization sank in, his eyebrows furrowing and his eyes drooping at the corners; anyone could see that he was not in a good mood.

    “When you meet Grandfather later, I hope you don’t put on this look of impending doom, as if I’m bullying you,” came the indifferent voice again in his ear, devoid of warmth, pulling Yan Yuzhou back from his thoughts.

    Yan Yuzhou cursed inwardly but still adjusted his expression. He leaned towards Shen Ci and put on a professional fake smile. “Is this better?”

    Then he saw Shen Ci shudder involuntarily as he leaned in, his eyebrows suddenly furrowing, his tone cold, “Who allowed you to get so close to me?”

    Being rejected by Shen Ci like this actually made Yan Yuzhou feel a bit better. It seemed like the Alpha in front of him was pretending to dislike him. From the way he shivered just now, it seemed Shen Ci was more afraid of him.

    This damn Alpha must have some unspeakable secrets and hidden motives.

    It might even be some sort of phobia. Although he was new to this world and didn’t understand the rules, he had been running his flower shop for over three years. He had seen many customers’ faces and could naturally deduce some patterns from them.

    For example, right now, Shen Ci had a fierce look on his face, but his limbs were stiffly placed at his sides and his fists clenched in a defensive posture. Haha, he was clearly like a big guard dog on alert.

    Yan Yuzhou didn’t dwell on Shen Ci’s rejection just now. Instead, he felt like he had just peeped into Shen Ci’s narrow mind and felt extremely pleased as he returned to his original position.

    Then, in his peripheral vision, he noticed that Shen Ci’s tightly clenched hands had relaxed.

    This damn Alpha!

    Driver Xiao Wang drove the car into an old mansion, stopping in a secluded spot surrounded by spacious grounds with some flowers and plants planted around. After getting out of the car, Yan Yuzhou’s eyes lit up at the sight of the courtyard full of flowers.

    Tending to flowers and plants was his hobby.

    He hurried to a cluster of orange flowers, bent down to sniff them gently, as if he had returned to the days when he trimmed and pruned them in his own flower shop. A sniff wasn’t enough, Yan Yuzhou took out his phone and, facing the sea of flowers, found a suitable angle and took several photos in a row.

    When he had taken enough photos and turned around, he saw Driver Xiao Wang standing not far away, but Shen Ci was nowhere to be seen.

    Yan Yuzhou walked over and asked, “Um, where is Mr. Shen?”

    The driver, Xiao Wang, blinked and said, “Just now, seeing you so engrossed, he… went in by himself.” Then he pointed in the direction of a two-story small Western-style building not far away.

    Yan Yuzhou stuck out his tongue inwardly, thinking to himself, “This damn alpha! When he sees him, it’s like he’s seen a poisonous snake. He runs faster than anyone else.”

    Guided by Xiao Wang, Yan Yuzhou followed into the small Western-style building. What he heard was the hearty laughter of someone old but still lively. Yan Yuzhou looked and saw that sitting there with Shen Ci was a gray-haired old man, presumably Shen Ci’s grandfather.

    Seeing Xiao Wang and him enter, Grandpa Shen smiled and stood up from the sofa, welcoming them, “Zhouzhou, come and sit. That brat Shen Ci left you alone and came in first. I was scolding him just now.”

    Yan Yuzhou tried to show a polite and obedient appearance, apologizing to Grandpa Shen, “Sorry, Grandpa, I got too engrossed in playing, it’s not Mr. Shen’s fault.”

    After saying that, he glanced at Shen Ci on the side, only to see the other person looking at him with a cold expression.

    Grandpa Shen smiled and pulled Yan Yuzhou to sit next to Shen Ci. The moment Yan Yuzhou sat down, he could feel that Shen Ci’s body tensed up for a moment, even his back straightened more.

    Although he didn’t know much about the alpha-beta-omega world, he couldn’t unhear Lin Xiaoguo telling him excitedly every day that alphas were the absolute rulers of the world, and betas and omegas had only to submit to them. And the more compatible the pheromones were, the more they would be attracted to each other, and the easier it was to mark successfully… blah blah blah, anyway, in his understanding, no alpha would be afraid of an omega like this, especially since Sister Song said that his compatibility with Shen Ci was one hundred percent.

    In this world, the two are a perfect match, made for each other.

    Well, maybe this Mr. Alpha was a relatively “weak” alpha. After all, the dragon has nine sons, each with its own characteristics. In a world dominated by strong alphas, it’s not impossible for a weak one to appear occasionally.

    With that thought, a twinge of sympathy suddenly arose in his heart. Unconsciously, he shifted his body away from Shen Ci, giving this weak Mr. Chicken some space to deal with himself.

    Unexpectedly, as soon as he made this move, his body was suddenly pulled to the side by someone’s arm, and he found himself leaning against another warm chest. As he looked up, he met Shen Ci’s emotionless gaze.

    “Hahaha, seeing you lovebirds so affectionate, this old man, whose body is halfway in the grave, can finally close his eyes in peace.” Grandpa Shen’s laughter rang from across the room. Yan Yuzhou glanced over and saw Grandpa Shen’s face full of smiles, satisfaction written all over his face.

    Yan Yuzhou had never been embraced by such a big man in his life. He felt extremely embarrassed being the weaker party and wished he could draw his sword and end his life at any moment.

    Subconsciously, he tried to break free from Shen Ci’s embrace several times, but Shen Ci’s arms seemed to be glued to him, unmoved.

    “Damn it! Wasn’t this dead alpha supposed to be a weakling???”

    His face turned slightly red with anger. Just as he was about to exert more force, Shen Ci suddenly released him and smiled at Grandpa Shen. “Grandpa, rest assured, Yuzhou and I will be happy together.”

    Yan Yuzhou calmed down, meeting Grandpa Shen’s loving gaze. Shen Ci’s earnest assurance echoed in his ears, and he couldn’t help but silently curse Shen Ci, “Shameless.”

    However, he was suddenly drawn to a faint scent lingering in the air, probably from being embraced by Shen Ci. It wasn’t the fragrance Lin Xiaoguo had babbled about; instead, it felt more like a presence, cold, fresh, and invigorating.

    It was as if delicate snowflakes had fallen upon the branches in the mountains. Just like Shen Ci himself, he was cold, indifferent, and devoid of warmth.

    Perhaps, this was the scent of Shen Ci’s pheromones?

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