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    Loves Error

    I’m not ignoring anyone, I just dislike all humans equally. 

    Although he is also a human being, his misanthropic nature became even more intense after he went through training and experienced work in earnest. Suhyuk’s misanthropy had evolved every time he encountered wild animals rescued from man-made traps that had their limbs cut off or met guardians who requested euthanasia for their animals due to expensive medical bills being so high that it would be better to buy a new one. 

    Liev’s decision to grow his hair was the result of various experiences. 

    “There’s no special reason.” 

    Liev responded as the maid smiled warmly when he opened his mouth. 

    “Should I cut it a bit then? It will look much neater if I do.” 

    Then suddenly, the maid casually reached for the back of his head. Liev was startled and shook his head. 

    “No, it’s okay. Just trim the ends a little.” 

    Even Liev himself thought it looked too messy now. While working in the research lab, it didn’t matter much as he could tie it up while buried in hay, but here, it seemed appropriate to tidy it up a bit, even if it was too messy, it would attract attention. 

    “Yes, then I’ll just cut the bottom. On the day of the ceremony, you’ll need to raise your hair, so it might be better to cut it shorter then.” 

    Liev eagerly hoped for this cumbersome cutting to end. 

    Finally, when the two maids were finished, a considerable amount of time had passed. 

    “Your height makes the uniform look great on you.” 

    The maid said it with a customary greeting while bowing. Liev nodded appreciatively, thrilled to be able to get away. 

    “Yes, thank you.” 

    It was a mechanical tone that didn’t sound grateful at all. One of the maids, who had been composed and dry throughout, couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Liev didn’t understand what was funny, but since he had no intention of starting an argument, he ignored it as if he hadn’t done anything. 

    “I will come to you in two days with sewn clothes. Choose the one you like and proceed to complete it. It’s not that far, but be careful not to change your body measurements.” 

    During the short period of time, I wouldn’t binge eat or do anything that would cause him to gain weight, so that wouldn’t happen. Only after nodding his head properly was Liev able to be completely released, and before he knew it, it was already time for dinner. 

    Guided by the mansion’s manager, the dining room downstairs was too spacious to dine alone. He didn’t particularly wish for Renard to be there, but somehow, looking at the empty space, a trivial thought crossed his mind. 


    Liev, for once, spoke first, and the manager, with sparkling eyes, asked, ” 

    Yes, what is it?” 

    It was a bit embarrassing to receive such a reaction to something not particularly significant. Liev answered, suppressing a fake cough. 

    “Renard, by any chance, does he usually eat human food?” 

    When he was with Liev, Renard used to eat human food as a snack. While the stock was naturally fresh monster meat, Renard couldn’t help but take a bite of everything that Liev ate. The logic was that if Liev was eating, he should eat too. He didn’t know why this logic was, but it was a common phenomenon seen in many pets. “Give me what you eat.” Fortunately, Renard wasn’t a dog or a cat but a dragon, so he could digest anything that humans ate. 

    “There are gourmet dragons among dragons, so…” 

    However, ordinary dragons generally did not enjoy human food. To be exact, it was close to being unnecessary for them. Just like how humans could eat hay but didn’t grab what horses or rabbits ate. Renard also did not consider human food to be a regular meal. He simply tasted it while Liev was eating, as he could eat it. I wonder if he still stares and snatches a bite of what his colleagues are eating. He suddenly remembered this, and out of curiosity, the manager shook his head. 

    “No, he always eats outside.” 

    Dining outside probably meant attacking and subduing monsters that raided the village and returning to the mansion. Liev nodded slowly. 

    “I see.” 

    With nothing more to say or ask, he quietly focused on his meal again, and a calm silence filled the dining room. Occasionally, the sound of clashing cutlery echoed like background noise, creating a quiet atmosphere. Finally, after quickly finishing his meal, Liev stood up in a hurry. 

    “Then, I’ll go upstairs first.” 

    “Yes, have a comfortable night.” 

    With a short farewell, he returned to his room. There, clothes to change into and a warm bath were prepared. It seemed that they had heard in advance from the servants that he had refused help with clothes and taking a bath. 

    They’re quite meticulous.

    He was too capable to be considered a competent person who didn’t do anything special. Even though there was nothing special to do, I guess I’ll prepare the bath myself. As he contemplated, darkness as black as ink settled beyond the window. Even if Renard were to fly in through the window, nothing would be visible in this darkness. The vast open space in the direction of the deserted courtyard seemed strangely lonely compared to the lively opposite side of the royal palace. 

    “Alright, because I feel comfortable, I’m thinking unnecessary thoughts.” 

    With a cynical sneer, as he finished preparing, the room somehow felt too spacious. In fact, it was. The room Liev had lived in as a Carter researcher was as humble as any shabby dormitory. And so, the first night in the mansion passed without the presence of its great owner, leaving only the guest behind. 


    The next day, and the day after that, Renard did not return. Even when he discreetly asked the manager, it was unclear when he would return. However, as time passed and a week went by, the conversation changed. 

    “Renard’s return has been postponed, and the schedule for the ceremony has also been delayed. Please rest comfortably. 

    What are you doing? Didn’t you say you were going to torment me? From Liev’s perspective, it was actually a good thing that he didn’t have to face Renard. However, as the idle time dragged on, the boredom deepened endlessly. His belongings were said to arrive tomorrow. Maybe he should ask to be allowed to visit places like the library. As he was thinking about that, something caught his eye outside the window. 


    A black cat was rolling around on the ground outside, rubbing his entire body on the first floor, enjoying the sun. If Renard were to see this, he would be furious, saying that a cheeky cat was attempting to leave its traces in his territory. However, the current owner of this land was absent, leaving no way to stop the bold intruder right now. 

    Liev was bored at the time, so he thought it was a good thing and quickly ran out the door. The cat didn’t seem to care at all that a person came out of nowhere and even rolled over and greeted him leisurely. 


    The voice was thin, as if it had not been long since the cat had separated from its mother. Liev reached out his hand to the cat that was slowly approaching him. 

    “Hello, how old are you?” 

    It was a greeting he always gave, even though he knew there would be no reply. 


    The cat blinks its eyes and cries. Liev, interpreting it however he wanted, answered 

    “Hmm, you’re not even a year old yet.” 

    Then he lifted the cat, which willingly let itself be held, with his hand tucked between the fluffy hind legs. Whether it was used to human hands or had no fear, the cat did not resist much and simply allowed itself to be lifted. Flipping the cat upside down, Liev saw a fuzzy pair of testicles. It was a perfect peanut that could be sutured with a dissolving thread in a neutering surgery in less than ten minutes. 

    “It’s been a while since my professional consciousness woke up, hasn’t it?” 

    Did the cat realize that Liev was having sinister(?) thoughts? Jumping out of his arms, the cat kicked Liev’s arm and jumped down towards the floor.

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