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    Loves Error

    After receiving a poor response from the commander, Renard searched for someone who could provide him with a suitable answer. Whether he had his own instincts or not, older men seemed to be the main targets, but it appeared that no one had given Renard a satisfactory answer. It must have been awkward for him to ask embarrassing questions all around the neighborhood. At some point, someone should have provided him with proper sex education, but seeing him still in such a situation, it seemed like no one was willing to explain an adult’s situation to a young dragon who was now in his twenties.   

    “So, what do we do now? Since you are the oldest among us, shouldn’t you do something to resolve this issue?”   

    Albert, who was the first to complain, questioned Reinhart with a perplexed expression. Reinhart, in turn, responded with an unenthusiastic face.   

    “Why should I explain this a dragon? Well, such things are better discussed among young people.”   

    “No, discussing it among ourselves won’t help. It’s pointless.”   

    Amidst the confusion, a consensus began to form. The suggestion arose that this matter should be handled by the dragon knight, who was the dragon’s closest companion, to be responsible for such a task in the first place. However, there was a slight problem with this. Who could entrust such a task to a blunt and picky man? None of the members of the White Eagle Knights seemed willing to volunteer.   

    If we asked him to handle that, wouldn’t he just disappear for good? The majority option was either that it was difficult to approach the gruff man or that people didn’t want to risk strange misunderstandings with Renard for no reason. In the end, everyone sighed deeply, returning to square one.   

    “Anyway, we have to find a solution. We can’t leave it like this.”   

    So, who will deal with the solution? Just as they were grappling with this situation, the sound of a horn announcing Renard’s return echoed through the air. It was time to pretend that nothing had happened.   

    And at that moment, there was one more person who had been waiting for Renard’s return more eagerly than anyone else.   


    Upon hearing strange rumors circulating among the maids, Liev approached the steward before dawn on the next day. Thinking that someone well-informed about what was happening in the palace might have some information, he sought answers. And as expected, the results were on point. Learning only now about Renard’s having been asking older married men recently, Liev’s face turned furious.   

    Now that he thought about it, he talked about reproduction and eggs. He believed it was just a bullshit attempt to intimidate him, but he never imagined he would be doing such things behind his back. Just turning twenty, it wasn’t unusual for his body to be restless.   

    Although he was still young for a dragon, as if he were born yesterday, his human body was now an adult, so he wanted to know about s*x and such. It was natural for such desires to arise, and even if he were a regular human young man, it wouldn’t be strange. The problem was that he wasn’t just an ordinary twenty-year-old with a high position in society but a young dragon. 

    First of all, he needs to prevent Renard from going around the neighborhood asking embarrasasing questions like that. Upon hearing the arrival of Renard, Liev quickly left the mansion and walked towards where Renard was headed. He must stop him from causing trouble by going to the training ground and continuing to cause accidents! With a determined will, Liev headed towards the White Eagle Knights’ office and fortunately managed to intercept Renard just as he was about to enter the building.   


    As if he had suddenly emerged from an ambush, Renard was momentarily surprised, his eyes widening. Liev, quickly recognizing him, grabbed Renard and pulled him into a storage room he had prepared in advance. With a thud, the dark storage room door closed, and Liev swiftly locked it from the inside. In the brief moment when Renard, bewildered by the sudden turn of events, didn’t understand, Liev raised his voice.   

    “What on earth have you been talking about?”   

    Renard still wore a perplexed expression, even with his face surprised.   

    “What are you going around saying?”   

    Although he was relieved to see Liev as soon as he returned, being dragged into a dusty storage room that reeked of an unpleasant odor dampened his joy.   

    “Why are you suddenly angry?”   

    While looking down at Liev with a thoroughly unjust expression, Renard couldn’t help but feel confused. If someone saw Liev’s face, it would seem like he had committed some bad mistake.  

    “You always told me to explain first and then act. But why isn’t Liev following that?”   

    Although he had managed to catch him before causing any more trouble, what should he say now? Simulating various scenarios in his mind of how to scold him, all became meaningless the moment he faced his angry expression. Where should he even start explaining this? Liev sighed internally and asked.   

    “Did you, by any chance, ask uncomfortable questions to other colleagues?”   

    Starting with checking exactly what he had done, Renard furrowed his brow and replied.   

    “I didn’t say anything special. Anyway, humans find it difficult to answer, no matter what I say.”   

    Even if his reaction wasn’t very positive, he seemed to assert that it wasn’t his fault. Well, with the huge differences in status, race, and strength, it was natural for anything he did to be uncomfortable. The problem now wasn’t just that the question was not malicious, it still could be considered sexual harassment. Liev, touching his throbbing forehead with the back of his hand.   

    “Even so, there are certain things you can and cannot ask others. You can’t just ask anyone about reproductive matters.”   

    As Liev sighed, trying to figure out how to address the situation, Renard, still not understanding, grumbled.   

    “You never told me! I asked the other guys because you kept avoiding me. Is that something to get so angry about!?!”   

    Renard’s confident, unjust attitude made him momentarily think, “Did I do that?”—did he really react that way?   

    “When? What did I avoid?”   

    Only then did a moment flash through Liev’s mind. No, but wasn’t that more of a normal reaction than avoiding it? After returning under the same roof again, even though he was forced to share the same bed due to Renard’s insistence, Liev flatly refused. That was about bathing.   

    Whenever he tried to enjoy a warm bath, Renard would always try to come into the bathroom, so he argued about having some privacy. Even when living in modern civilization, he never liked communal baths. Now, as an adult, he had even less desire to see the naked body of someone else, especially if they were close to him, so he stubbornly held on, and Renard tried to find a compromise.   

    “Then how does this look?”   

    Perhaps Renard had just learned that he was particularly weak to Renard’s younger self and tried to barge into the bathroom again, so they had to argue for a while about what that meant. Of course, it’s less unpleasant because he didn’t have to see the body of a 20-year-old dragon. There is a common belief that dogs or cats might consider bath time a dangerous situation and follow their owners into the bathroom to protect them.   

    But no, simply bathing together didn’t necessarily have a sexual meaning—after all, I didn’t deceive you. Moreover, they were of the same s*x. However, being of the same gender didn’t change the fact that he was a creature who had casually declared that I would lay eggs for him.   

    No, no, it’s better to just ask. If you’re curious.  

    Liev began to deny reality, trying to take things step by step.   

    “I’ll explain it once since it seems like you really don’t know. Among humans, you shouldn’t talk about such things carelessly. It’s considered very impolite, and you shouldn’t do it.”   

    “What do you mean? Exactly what should I not do?”   

    “Talking about reproduction…s*x… It’s not something to discuss in a public place. Even in private places, it should be done with discretion, considering the time and situation. Humans are sensitive to such topics.”   

    However, the conversation was still at a standstill.   

    “Ever since we slept in the same bed…It feels hot and itchy down there….I don’t want to talk about that with anyone else but you…..If I were to reproduce, of course I would do it with you.”   

    But I don’t want to do it with you. Liev held his throbbing forehead. 

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