42 Results in the "One Last" category
OL Ch 10
Chapter 10 #2. Pinocchio – The End of the Liar "You, don't come closer. Maintain a proper distance." "Hayun-ah." "Shut up." "....." Hayun pretended to approach Mookyeong threateningly. With Hayun's bag clutched tightly against his chest, Mookyeong took half a step back and feigned innocence. Despite his imposing physique, he looked quite pitiful, but Hayun didn't relent. Sensing that Hayun might turn away if he retreated further, Mookyeong cautiously closed the gap between…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 9
Chapter 9 Mookyeong looked at Hayun with concern before gently pulling his blanket over Hayun's body, worried he might be cold. As if on cue, Hayun began trembling slightly. Mookyeong swiftly wrapped the blanket around Hayun and pulled him close. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Nothing happened.” “No, I—” “I’ll tell you everything that happened today.” As was his habit, Mookyeong rubbed the bridge of Hayun's nose, where glasses often left marks. When Hayun wrinkled his nose…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 8
Chapter 8 Hayun silently gazed at Seo Iju. Until now, Seo Iju had never spoken about such matters. She always stood atop Hayun's head, looking down upon her surroundings. Hayun had never sensed any hesitation or delay from Seo Iju when opening doors. Consequently, Hayun believed they were similar - Seo Iju could foresee how to use the skill and taught it to him. "However, you've never experienced that. Although your expertise is limited, there hasn't been a door you couldn't open when desired,…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 7
Chapter 7 Hayun couldn’t sleep that night. Every time he drifted off, Mookyeong’s face popped into his mind. Eventually, around four o’clock in the morning, he gave up on sleeping and headed to the training ground. As he worked up a sweat, he pondered how to approach him. Avoiding him would only raise questions, but he lacked the courage to confess he had secretly watched him last night. In the end, Hayun decided to pretend nothing happened. Since it was done covertly without Mookyeong's…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 6
Chapter 6 Mookyeong's gaze towards Hayun had turned colder compared to earlier. His eyes scanned his face up and down. "I don't know if you'll be embarrassed or not, but yes. Practice with me. It is much better than going somewhere strict." Mookyeong whispered that he intended to continue similar practices in the future, so it was best done together. When Hayun didn't respond, Mookyeong gently stroked the back of his neck. Hayun felt a sudden chill run through his body, despite knowing that…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 5
Chapter 5 "If only every day could be like this." "You're asking for trouble with such talk." Despite Hayun's rebuke, Mookyeong just laughed. After hesitating briefly, Hayun asked why he felt that way. "Why else? You're always by my side." "..." "And it makes surveillance easier." Hayun glared at the ridiculous Mookyeong. He claimed to conduct 'surveillance', but it was more akin to snooping. He constantly checked his desk drawers and opened any gifts or letters before he could lay…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 4
Chapter 4 For some time now, Seo Iju has been obsessed with consuming multi-grain rice for health reasons. After visiting various rural areas, she returned home with numerous grains collected from different farms. Baek Jinha, who handled most of the cooking at home, embraced Seo Iju's preference and prepared terrifying bowls of mixed rice containing up to ninety percent grains. 'Where… where is the rice?' Hayun subtly signaled towards Mookyeong. With a blink, Mookyeong understood and…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 3
Chapter 3 Mookyeong's mother, Seo Iju, returned home late at dawn. Hayun had come downstairs for water and encountered Seo Iju smoking on the back porch connected to the kitchen. "You're up." "Did you sleep well?" Hayun nodded instead of answering, his eyes half-closed from lingering drowsiness. Seeing his sleepy state, Seo Iju chuckled softly as she tapped off her cigarette ash. "I have things to do." "...Yes." After giving a brief reply, Hayun yawned widely. With his eyes closed, he…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 2
Chapter 2 Upon returning home, Hayun flung his bag aside. He lacked the energy to climb up another floor to reach his bedroom. His patience had reached its limit already. Besides, no one else was at home. With buttons undone, he entered the kitchen halfway through taking off his shirt. Feeling slightly cooler, he opened the refrigerator door. “I thought I’d melt from the heat.” He grabbed a chilled drink from inside and headed straight for the bathroom. After splashing some cold water on…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
OL Ch 1
Chapter 1 #1. The Fate of A Liar "Ah, ah. Let me reiterate once more, please work in groups and avoid individual activities. If caught engaging alone, appropriate penalties will be applied." In the shaky prisoner transport vehicle, the teacher leading the field trip warned the children. The teacher, unable to hide their Gyeongsang dialect, pointed at the kids sitting in the back seat. Despite receiving jeers from those singled out, the teacher paid them no heed. The teacher adjusted the…-
84.3 K • Ongoing
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