13 Results in the "The Book of Misunderstanding" category
TBM Vol 1 Part 1
White canvas sneakers stepped confidently onto the lukewarm asphalt. Il-seo, walking with wider strides than usual, was already eyeing on a building that was a few blocks away. Soon, he began to run. He had spent the early morning hours in the practice room and had walked this same path just a few hours earlier, but now it felt unfamiliar. The cool air brushing his flushed cheeks and the faint sounds reaching his ears seemed to move in slow motion. Skillfully dodging the illegally parked luxury cars…-
23.5 K • Ongoing
TBM Prologue
Chapter 0 As I sat with my back against the cold, dark wall, my breathing began to tremble. I lifted my forehead, which had been resting on my knees. The wall pressing against my shoulder felt as though it were bearing down on my heart. No light or sound seeped through the crack in the door. I clenched my fist, resisting the urge to reach for the doorknob. The oppressive darkness and silence that filled the room seemed to close in on me. I shut my eyes,…-
23.5 K • Ongoing
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