45 Results in the "The Tender And Yielding Northern Archduke" category
TL: Motokare “The kid seems to really like you, for some reason, so you’ll take care of him while I look into things. You’re staying at Chloé Palace, right? Good. It’s hard to get in and out of, so it’s the perfect place to keep him away from prying eyes.” And with that single command, the crown prince made Theon an unexpected guardian. Theon’s subordinates were fascinated. This was the most excitement they’d seen since the war ended. “It’s bizarre, isn’t it? A…-
70.8 K • Ongoing
There were no signs of struggle on Yolone Sirin’s body, and his fingerprints were found on the rope and chair; even the handwriting of the note, presumed to be a suicide note, was identified as his. The room was immaculately tidy, and all of his rare and expensive magical artifacts remained undisturbed, exactly where he’d left them. Most tellingly, if anyone had assassinated the archmage, they would’ve taken his research journals—yet they were untouched. Given the compelling evidence, the…-
70.8 K • Ongoing
TL: Motokare When the Creator God, Seará, fashioned this world of Araxys, the other gods paid it little mind for they already had countless other worlds they enjoyed playing with. But the Dark God, Maton, was different. He focused on Araxys with such intensity that he even discarded the world he was playing with. One of the gods asked. “Maton, why’re you so interested in that small, immature world?” “Araxys is a world Seará created as a retreat. Though small and incomplete…-
70.8 K • Ongoing
Prologue: The child suddenly stopped. To the right of the path leading to the barracks, people were gathered around a bonfire, resting. A large man with jet-black hair and crimson eyes was meticulously polishing his sword, and beside him, a tawny-skinned attendant was reporting something to him. Around the fire, the subordinates sat, sharing what seemed to be an amusing conversation, their faces lit with laughter. So close... That person had always obsessively guarded the child’s…-
70.8 K • Ongoing
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